12 May 2022
After many years in the making, the Looe Neighbourhood Development Plan has been adopted with a 'YES' majority (roughly 80% of those who voted) in response to the following question:
“Do you want Cornwall Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Looe to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
September 2020.
The appeal against refusal of PA19/07490 for housing on land off Barbican Hill, East Looe has been dismissed. Scroll down for further information.
See Inspector’s Report >
To view the planning application go to...
Closing date for public comments on this planning appeal was 17th March...
See notification below from Cornwall Council...
Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure)
(England) Regulations 2009
I am writing to let you know that an appeal has been made to the Ministry of Housing,
Communities and Local Government in respect of the following planning application:
MHCLG ref:
Cornwall Council ref:
Appeal start date:
11 February 2020
Demolition of derelict outbuilding and redevelopment of
the site to provide four dwellings, access, parking,
landscaping, gardens / courtyards and associated
Land Off Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1BH
Walker Developments SW Ltd
Cornwall Council decision:
The appeal against refusal is to be decided on the basis of an exchange of written statements by the
parties and a site visit by an Inspector.
You may view the documents relating to this case online at... PA19/07490 or at this office during normal working
We have forwarded all the representations made to us on the application to the Planning
Inspectorate and the appellant (unless they are expressly confidential). These will be
considered by the Inspector when determining the appeal.
If you wish to make further comments, or modify/withdraw your previous
representation, you can do so online using the Planning Inspectorate website and entering case ID: 3244465.
If you do not have access to the internet, you can send your comments to:
The Planning Inspectorate, Ms Sarah Hardy, Room 3M Kite Wing, Temple Quay
House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.
All representations must be made by 17 March 2020. Any representations submitted
after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations. All representations must quote the
MHCLG appeal reference.
Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging
to you, that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. If you supply
information belonging to a third party, please ensure that you have the permission to do
so. More detailed information about data protection and privacy matters is available on
the Planning Inspectorate Web Site.
You can get a copy of The Planning Inspectorate’s booklet, “Guide to taking part in planning
appeals” free of charge from this office or from GOV.UK website.
The Council’s reasons for refusing permission for this development are as follows:
- The proposed development would result in the loss of this green space and due to the design, scale and sitting of the dwellings, would result in an unsympathetic and harmful form of development which would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Looe Conservation Area. The proposal is therefore contrary to policies 2, 12 and 24, of the Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies 2010 - 2030 adopted November 2016, paragraphs 8, 124,127, 192, 193, 194, 196 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2019 and Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
Should you require any further information in connection with this appeal, please telephone
Yours faithfully
Sandra Oram
Senior Development Support Officer
Planning and Sustainable Development Service
Tel: 01209 614090
Land off Bay Down . . .
Cornwall Council has now given its advice in response to a pre-application enquiry for an affordable-led housing development of up to 50 dwellings on land off Bay Down, Barbican Road, Looe PL13 1NU
see > > PA18/01011/PREAPP
see > > PA18/01011/PREAPP
The application was to establish the Council's views on the scheme and whether it could be considered under Rural Exception Site Policy which is defined in the NPPF as being "small sites used for affordable housing in perpetuity where sites would not normally be used for housing". Most Rural Exception Sites are around 20 to 25 units or smaller and we believe the scale of this development at 50 units is too large to qualify.
Barratts appeal is allowed . . .
13 April 2017: The Planning Inspector has decided to allow Barratts planning application PA14/10838 for the construction of a further 82 dwellings (market and affordable homes), including estate road and drainage infrastructure, parking and landscaping on Land off St Martins Road, Looe.
An application for costs against Cornwall Council has been refused.
More information on the decision here >> Barratts...