- Planning applications validated during December 2024
updated 22 December 2024
- The conversion of an existing, attached, residential garage to form a new residential bedroom and en-suite, as part of the existing main dwelling. The removal of the existing garage door, with the in-filling of the existing garage door structural opening, as well as the formation of new window openings within the existing wall construction. Section of low brick wall between the entrance steps and the parking area removed, to provide level access to the building directly from the parking area.
9 Trewint Crescent East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ET
- Change of use of ground floor to wine bar and floors above to residential unit
Lloyds Bank Plc Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DP
- Listed building consent for change of use of ground floor to wine bar and floors above to residential unit
Lloyds Bank Plc Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DP
- Repair and replacement of roof structures and finishes. General building maintenance and repairs
Cornwall Hospice Care 3 Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HH
- Construction of an elevated parking bay
Lessines Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HD
- Extension and alteration to existing dwelling at the Coach House and part change of use from private motor workshop to residential
Former Chapel Of Rest Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Internal renovations to enable upgrading and replacement of existing bathroom and hot water system, new bathroom window, installation of a second w.c. and small sink on third floor and relocation of hot water tank from third floor to attic where existing cold water tank is situated.
Petroc Higher Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Listed Building Consent for Internal renovations to enable upgrading and replacement of existing bathroom and hot water system, new bathroom window, installation of a second w.c. and small sink on third floor and relocation of hot water tank from third floor to attic where existing cold water tank is situated.
Petroc Higher Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Works to Tree(s) within a Conservation Area (TCA) Felling of Ash Tree and Sycamore
Pendrim Road Looe Cornwall
- Submission of details to discharge Condition number 12 in respect of Decision Notice PA23/02143 dated 24/05/23
Tregarrick Court Goonwartha Road West Looe Cornwall
- Construction of garage, widening of existing access and proposed new gate to improve parking provision
The Beach House Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Planning applications validated during November 2024
- Pre-application advice for works to remedy fabric decay and failure.
St Marys Higher Chapel Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Enlarging existing dormer and constructing new balcony.
The Cottage Bay View Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed use - Chapel of Rest to a dwellinghouse
The Old Chapel Of Rest Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed reconstruction of boat building shed/storage for use classification E
Millpool Boatyard The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Excavate into existing garden embankment to provide off-road parking in a covered parking area with garden deck and covered undercroft storage over; single-storey extension to side of dwelling projecting forward and rearward of the existing dwelling; extension to provide a replacement entrance porch on the front of the dwelling; reconstruction of the existing hipped and pitched roof to provide a second floor bedroom and bathroom in a gabled pitched roof with flat-roofed dormer windows
Sunny Corner Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Demolition of an existing bungalow and replacement with a two storey dwelling
Colts Bungalow Portlooe West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HY
- Small two storey side and top of terrace extension and accompanying alterations.
Seadrift Dawn Road Hannafore Looe Cornwall PL13 2DS
- Proposed replacement windows
Terry Holt Princes Street West Looe Cornwall PL13 2ER
- Proposed dwelling and parking
Land South Of 2 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SD
- Planning applications validated during October 2024
- Pre-application advice for a small skatepark on an area of the car park at the far western end of the car park adjacent to the boat launching area and car park entrance
Millpool Car Park The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
Ref. No: PA24/01264/PREAPP | Validated: Thu 31 Oct 2024
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area (TCA) large Scots pine tree proposed to be felled due the danger relating to the proximity of power cables on tree contractor advice.
2 Inverlooe North Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2EF
- Non Material Amendment in relation to PA23/03774 dated 08.09.2023 to retain the existing garage and tie it into the proposed dwelling with a new standing seam metal roof, omit the timber cladding and use painted render instead and clad the chimney stack in standing seam metal instead of painted render
Penannton Portuan Road Looe PL13 2DN
- Exception Notice for Sycamore, remove, large vertical split that has formed in union in main stem (please see accompanying photos).
Coplestone Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- 5 Day notice for felling of an Elm tree, dead due to Dutch Elm disease
1 Springfield Gate East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HF
- Pre application advice for change of use of ground floor to wine bar with one residential unit above with internal alterations and rear upgrade
Lloyds Bank Plc Fore Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DP
- Proposed Retention of a Retractable Awning
Bowdens Bakery Fore Street East Looe PL13 1AE
- Planning applications validated during September 2024
- Works to a trees in a Conservation Area, namely, 6 elms felled one Ash either felled or pollard
Barton Side West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HQ
- Application for works to a Tree in a Conservation Area namely fell a sycamore tree
Hannafore Cottage Hannafore Lane West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DU
- Works to a group of trees with a TPO-G1 - Group consisting of hazel and willow - Crown raise lateral growth on Southern aspect to achieve a clearance of 4m from ground level
20 Restormel Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1EJ
- Alteration including formation of the recessed balcony and replacement windows to form 2 bedroomed manager's accommodation and auxiliary office and staff welfare area on the first floor without compliance with condition 3 of decision notice PA23/05285 dated 17/10/2023
Amusement Arcade The Quay East Looe PL13 1AL
- Variation of Planning Permission PA24/01683 with the addition of the demolition and reconstruction of single storey extension
Old Barbican Farm Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DZ
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 1 in respect of Decision Notice PA24/04474 dated 05.07.24
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Works to Trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) - Works to various trees in group W1 and W2, protected under TPO TPO13/00013.
Tremayne House Sandplace Road St Martin Cornwall
- Pre application advice for demolishing of dilapidated building and the erection of 5no. dwellings
Polvellan Manor The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AH
- Exception Notice for works to remove a dead hazel tree
West Hill Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HF
- Replacement dwelling
1 Moondarra The Crescent West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DL
- Planning applications validated during August 2024
- Proposed re-roofing and rear extension
Manana Higher Market Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BS
- Proposed roof dormer and associated internal works
16 Rame View East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DR
- Application for Permission in Principle for the construction of one dwelling (minimum of 1; maximum of 1)
17-18 Downs Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AR
- Planning applications validated during July 2024
- Alterations to guest house to change existing self-catering accommodation to owner's residential use, existing letting rooms to owner's residential use and addition of first floor extension to provide new bedroom for owner's residential use. Addition of new external door to provide direct access from kitchen to outdoor area.
Calico Marine Drive West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Pre application advice for proposed side extension and raised deck
Seadrift Dawn Road Hannafore Looe Cornwall PL13 2DS
- Partial re-roofing of property to include full two-storey areas to West and single storey extensions (to South and East) to provide for larger kitchen and living areas.
Holcombe Listowel Drive East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LB
- Proposed parking bay and construction of retaining wall.
South Point Bay View Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1JW
- Works to Tree(s) covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) - Various works to Monterey Cypress and pine trees
Tycarra Bay View Road East Cornwall PL13 1JP
- 'Conversion and extension to an existing garage to form a self contained residential annexe' without compliance of condition 2 of decision PA22/00742 dated 26/01/2022.
Wespenton Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Listed Building Consent for New Signage
The Fishermans Arms Higher Market Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BW
- Advert Consent: Signage
The Fishermans Arms Higher Market Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BW
- Proposed extension and alterations including Re-roofing changing concrete tiles for natural slate, amending the roof light design, upgrades to some windows and doors, addition of a dormer to rear and increase garage size.
Stoneleigh Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LG
- Levelling of site to provide private amenity, with stepped approach & bike / bin store. additional erection of P.V. array to rear of garden area forward of retaining wall.
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Proposed alterations to existing pedestrian access and provision for 1 off road parking space with Electric Car charging facility
St Elmo Portuan Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DW
- Conversion of guesthouse/hotel and separate owners dwellinghouse to a single family residential dwellinghouse
Trehaven Manor Hotel Station Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HN
- Alterations and single storey extension to lower ground floor to replace existing conservatory
Gwel An Porth North Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EH
- Planning applications validated during June 2024
- Non material amendment in relation to Decision Notice PA23/08319 dated 12/10/23 - To propose two additional rooflights
Wespenton Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Proposed extension and alterations together with demolition of existing garage and construction of new garage with study/store above (Variations to PA23/10231)
Tycarra Bay View Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- 'Proposed two number replacement dwellings' without compliance of condition 2 of decision PA21/08758 dated 09/03/2022.
Annabell Sandplace Road St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1LR
- Non material amendment in relation to decision notice PA23/09399 dated 08/01/2024: stone cladding to approved frontage and corner returns
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Certificate of Lawful Development for a Proposed use for a single storey side extension to dwelling
By The Way Bay View Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- 'Erection of replacement dwelling' without compliance of condition 2 of decision PA21/08471 dated 10/11/2021.
West Hill Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HF
- Single-storey rear extension and new first floor rear dormer. Other works and alterations including new French doors, addition of a sun tunnel and improvements to the width of the driveway. Replacement of existing garage/store with a new storage building.
St Petrocs The Crescent West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DL
- Proposed Re-roofing
Trenance Beech Terrace West Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AQ
- Renewal of roofing felt and installation of in-roof solar panels.
Riversmeet Elm Tree Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HY
- 'Reconstruction of house and workshop' with variation of condition 2 of decision PA21/04644 dated 22/03/2022 and non compliance with condition 3, 4, 7 in relation to decision notice PA23/09399 dated 8th Jan 2024
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Construction of additional storey height to existing bungalow to create additional 3 no.bedrooms one with en-suite and study room and seperate bathroom.
58 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1ED
- Proposed rear extension and internal alterations
Admiral's Rest Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Planning applications validated during May 2024
- Removal of a small section of stone wall to create a parking space for a small car and provide an additional pedestrian access to the North. Above the new parking area is proposed lower extension to the existing terrace area.
Joslyn Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- First floor veranda and ground floor external seating area, with internal alterations and external cladding facade with non compliance with condition 2 of Decision Notice PA20/07043 dated 18.12.2020
Kellys Of Looe Fore Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DT
- Pre-application advice for proposed craft workshops and art hub.
Land West Of Colts Bungalow Portlooe West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HY
- Application for Non-Material Amendment to PA23/07830 for 'Proposed new composite decking with glazed balustrades and stainless steel frames.', namely 1) Amendment to the extent of balustrades and decking. 2) Addition of supporting columns.
Marwinthy East Cliff East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DE
- Certificate of lawfulness for existing use as self contained dwellinghouse within the fabric of the hotel/B and B
Trehaven Manor Hotel Station Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HN
- 1. To replace existing glass conservatory style roof with Leka style cosy roof system to provide better insulation for house. The roof system will consist of synthetic roof tiles and 3 Velux roof windows. 2. To add DEFRA approved log burner and replace existing false chimney with black log burner flue pipe. 3. To add raised wooden deck to side of existing balcony.
1 Pendrim Park Pendrim Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HQ
- Notification of works to Trees in a Conservation Area namely fell to ground level due to signs of ash die-back causing a potential hazard to neighbouring building (T1 - Ash)
Ifor West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HQ
- The use of land for the stationing of a kiosk on a seasonal basis, in association with the activities undertaken at land at adjoining Millpool Boating Lake
Land Adjoining Millpool Boating Lake Bridgend The Millpool West Looe Cornwall
- Planning applications validated during April 2024
- Deed of Modification to update the Transfer Deed dated 4th January 1994
St Marys Higher Chapel Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Pre application advice demolition of existing condemned building Tremayne House that accommodates 2 x apartments over three floors. Erection of 1 x 4 bed detached replacement house
Tremayne House Sandplace Road St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1LR
- Listed building consent to replace floor to southwest retail unit with new concrete insulated floor with slate slab flooring
East Looe Town Trust The Guildhall Fore Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AA
- Pre application advice for demolition of existing timber shingle bungalow and replacement with two storey dwelling
Colts Bungalow Portlooe West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HY
- Non material amendment in relation to Decision Notice PA19/10598 dated 21/05/20 - Installation of an external metal staircase along the West elevation.
Annabell Sandplace Road St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1LR
- Reconstruction of patio decked area with two bedrooms below and to construct a detached garage with revised drive access.
Nemora West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HW
- Proposed Business and Learning Hub
Looe Library And One Stop Shop The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Pre-application advice for construction of a business and learning hub linked to the existing library building.
Looe Library And One Stop Shop The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Roof alterations to form habitable accommodation
Driftwood Hannafore Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DA
- Planning applications validated during March 2024
- Non material amendment in relation to Decision Notice PA21/08471 dated 10/11/21 - Rear Gable changed to a Pitch roof
West Hill Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HF
- To install an Air Source Heat Pump at the property. The unit is 0.77 cubic meters, hence the need for permission.
Trevanion Lodge Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DE
- Works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), works include T1 twin stem Elm to be felled to ground level.
St Michaels Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DT
- Development of 6 apartments at The Coach House and former Chapel of Rest, The Millpool, West Looe, including demolition of existing building.
Former Chapel Of Rest West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Electricity Act 1989: Overhead Lines (Exemption)(England and Wales) Regulations 2009
Street Record Fore Street West Looe Cornwall
- Proposed Alterations
33 Bodrigan Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EH
- Installation of solar panels to rear south facing roof elevation only. Solar inverter (3kw) and maximum 2 solar storage batteries (max 11kW) to be installed in basement.
Captains House Higher Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BP
- Planning applications validated during February 2024
- Proposed extension
Old Barbican Farm Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DZ
- 5 Day exception notice for works to a mature monterey pine tree to remove 2 dead branches that have partially broken off the trunk due to recent high winds
Land Adjacent To Seadrift And Tresco Dawn Road Hannafore Looe Cornwall PL13 2DS
- To provide new direct access to the rear of property and erection of a summerhouse.
1 Glencairn 2 - 3 Station Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HL
- Works to Trees within a Conservation Area (TCA) - T1- Ash- Remove. T2 - Ash - Remove. T3 - Ash - Remove.
Havenford House Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DU
- Works to trees within a Conservation area - T3 - felling of Apple tree following on from previous application PA23/03329 dated 21st April 2023
Hannafore Cottage Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DU
- Works to a Tree within a Conservation Area (TCA) - Oak - Reduction to previous pruning points to balance the crown
Howl Ughel The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BE
- Removal of a section of stone wall to create a one car parking space and associated works to existing terrace area.
Joslyn Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Retention of stabilisation and repair of a friable wall owned by BT that runs underneath their building directly adjacent to the A387
BT Exchange Station Road East Looe Looe
- Non material amendment in relation to Decision Notice PA20/07043 dated 18/12/20 - Existing small balcony retained, rear window to be partially cladded and variation to logo/branding.
Kellys Of Looe Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DT
- Works to trees in a conservation area T1 - Oak - Remove damaged limbs caused by recent storms and remove major deadwood.
Clouds Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HB
- Amendment to existing permission 08/00292/FUL to incorporate a garage, mezzanine floor and street side located refuse store
Woodside Cottage Sandplace Road St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1LR
- Change of use from a shop to an ale house
Old Grog Ale House (former Camp N Cook) Riverside Leather Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AP
- Outline application with some matters (appearance and landscaping) reserved for Use Class E commercial development comprising 18 units, car parking and access roads
Land To The West Of Kimlers Way Kimlers Way St Martin Looe
- Planning applications validated during January 2024
- Works to Trees within a Conservation Area (TCA) - Works to remove or reduce 7 trees
Barvyen Land Adjacent To Chapel Court Shutta Road East Looe Looe PL13 1BJ
- Replace current living room windows into double french doors, with the addition of a juliet balcony. Removal of the current masonry wall with screen blocks along the top which is to the left of the main entrance door and replace with a glass balustrade.
Flat 3 West Quay House Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BX
- Demolition of existing building containing two apartments and the erection of two five-storey five bed houses
Tremayne House Sandplace Road St Martin Cornwall
- Construction of a single and two storey extension to the rear of the property, and constructing an additional dormer window to the front of the property.
The Cottage Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Installation of a locked metal security gate to the 1st floor side entrance of Harveys Fish and Chips Takeaway, located on the southern elevation.
Harveys Takeaway Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DT
- Replacement Flue
The Old Sail Loft Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AP
- Listed Building Consent for a replacement Flue
The Old Sail Loft Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AP
- Replacement of 12 No. timber sash windows and 2 No. Timber doors to front elevation Replacement of existing first floor conservatory with new flat roof extension Replacement of existing front fence with glass balustrade New glass balustrade to first floor balcony
2 The Arches Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DE
- Proposed extension and alterations together with demolition of existing garage and construction of new garage with study/store above.
Tycarra Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Outline application for the erection of up to 43 residential dwellings, with associated access, landscaping and open space with all matters reserved except for means of access.
Land Opposite Salter Close Looe PL13 1PS
- Replace existing brick and galvanized railings on two balconies with track and toughened glass balustrades.
4 Springfield Gate East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HF
- Planning applications validated during December 2023
- Proposed bedroom/en suite extension, conversion of garage and internal alterations
Penmayne Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EX
- 'Domestic extension over existing garage with associated works' with variation of condition 2 of decision PA21/02392 dated 11/05/2021.
Kimberly Downs Lane Looe Cornwall PL13 2HX
- Proposed dwelling and parking
Land South Of 2 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SD
- Works to trees in a conservation area (CA), works include T1 Beech Tree, 0 300mm height 10m max. Crown reduction 25% - max 3m to growth points
Grantham Lodge Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BH
- Proposed extension
7 Barn Meadow Park West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HU
- Works to Trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) - 2 Oaks to be removed
St Martins Road East Looe Cornwall
- Making the east wall straight without the step
Yonder Hill Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Roof alterations to form habitable accommodation
Driftwood Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DA
- Planning applications validated during November 2023
- 'Reconstruction of house and workshop' with variation of condition 2 of decision PA21/04644 dated 22/03/2022.
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Works to trees in a conservation area (CA), works include T1. Ash - Fell. T2. Ash - Fell. T2. Ash- Fell
Havenford House Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DU
- Retention of mounted water refill station on front of building to allow free drinking water to be available to community
Public Conveniences The Guildhall Fore Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AA
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA22/10249 dated 28/02/2023
Old Barbican Cottage Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DZ
- Proposed extension
Little Stable Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LG
- Proposed installation of an ATM. Illuminated ATM Fascia sign with blue lettering "ATM" out of a white background. Non illuminated top sign NCR 6626E. Blue and yellow background with white lettering and Euronet Logo.
Chris Sandy Electricals 3 Bridgend Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HH
- Advert consent for Illuminated ATM Fascia sign with blue lettering "ATM" out of a white background. Non illuminated top sign NCR 6626E. Blue and yellow background with white lettering and Euronet Logo.
Chris Sandy Electricals 3 Bridgend Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HH
- Application for Outline Planning Permission with all matters reserved for the construction of a dwelling with off road parking.
Land Adjacent To Rock Ledge Dawn Road Hannafore Cornwall
- Planning applications validated during October 2023
- Pre-application advice for the refurbishment of the existing 11 (No.) flats at the North Road site, currently owned by Cornwall Council. We want to greatly improve their energy efficiency and utility costs for tenants, while retaining and safeguarding this highly visible Grade II listed building
Coastguard Flats North Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2EQ
- Variation of condition 2 of PA23/05271 dated 22/08/2023 in respect of adjustments to the design
Wespenton Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Works to trees in a conservation area (CA), works include T1 to T7 - 50 - 60 ft Leylandii, 50% height reduction to approximately 9 meters
Rond Anneth Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DD
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3 and 4 in relation to decision notice PA21/12024 dated 26/04/2022
Howl Ughel The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BE
- Raised decking area to be added to rear of property, to be level with the existing rear patio with banister.
10 Barbican Close East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EE
- Planning applications validated during September 2023
- Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for an Existing use relating to the regularisation of breach of planning conditions 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 under planning reference E2/10/00776/FUL
Tencreek Caravan Park West Looe Cornwall PL13 2JR
Ref. No: PA23/07909 | Validated: Fri 29 Sep 2023 - Proposed new composite decking with glazed balustrades and stainless steel frames.
Marwinthy East Cliff East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DE
- Retrospective application for self contained annexe with decking
3 Bay Down East Looe Cornwall PL13 1NU
- New rear extension and reconstruction of front porch
Trebyan Listowel Drive East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LB
- 'Reconstruction of house and workshop' with variation of condition 2 of decision PA21/04644 dated 22/03/2022.
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Proposal to replace 5 rotten wood framed sash windows at the rear of the property with uPVC casement windows to improve the efficiency and integrity of the building.
Mark Grassam Solicitors Fore Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DN
- Proposed residential development of 5 dwellings.
Land Adjacent To Rame View East Looe Cornwall
- Listed building consent for replacement windows, replacement guttering and chimney repairs.
2 North Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2EN
- New rooflights and internal alterations
Trevose Downs View West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HD
Removal of trees to bank on west side of driveway. Construction of new blockwork retaining wall.
Pen-Holm The Downs West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BB- Erection of agricultural building with associated works
Land Northwest of Buildings off Longpark Farm, West Looe Hill, Looe PL13 2EA
- Planning applications validated during August 2023
- Non-material amendment to decision PA23/05475 dated 18.08.2023 for an alteration of extension rooflines to porch and rear extension from flat roof to pitched roof.
Trebyan Listowel Drive East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LB
- Works to trees within a Conservation Area, namely cut down group of elms, elder, hazel, and buddleia
1 Downs Lane Park Looe Cornwall PL13 2DP
- Replacement/conversion of existing integral garage to form additional bedroom, utility and W.C., replacing the flat roof with a pitched roof to match the existing dwelling. Incorporation of external insulation to existing property and formation of a canopy over principal entrance.
46 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1ED
- Exception notice for works to mature Beech
Top End The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- 1008914/ LOOE The Electronic Communications Code (Conditions and restrictions) Regulations 2003 as amended, Regulation 5 Notice of Intention to Install Fixed Line Broadband Apparatus
Street Record Glebelands East Looe Cornwall
- Proposed enlargement of existing balcony and patio doors
Rivercroft Darloe Lane West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BG
- Alteration including formation of the recessed balcony and replacement windows to form 2 bedroomed manager's accommodation and auxiliary office and staff welfare area on the first floor.
Amusement Arcade The Quay East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AL
- Temporary erection of mobile home unit for the purpose of show-home as holiday accommodation and referral of clients to owner's site for potential purchase (retrospective)
Looe Library And One Stop Shop The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Planning applications validated during July 2023
- Works to trees in a conservation area
Land Adjacent To Chapel Court Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJ
- New rear extension and reconstruction of front porch
Trebyan Listowel Drive East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LB
- Removal of Hawthorn tree
West Hill Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HF
- Raise parking bar with EV charging point in road facing garden
Seabird Meadway East Looe Cornwall PL13 1JT
- Installation of inline, black non reflective photovoltaic panels to south-eastern roof slope.
Tractor Shed Church End East Looe Cornwall
- Listed Building Consent for the change of use of the former Watchtower from general storage to office accommodation for East Town Trust, to include the installation of new solar PV slate units to the roof along with other internal and external works
The Old Lifeboat Station Church End East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BX
- Change of use of the former Watchtower from general storage to office accommodation for East Town Trust, to include the installation of new solar PV slate units to the roof along with other internal and external works
The Old Lifeboat Station Church End East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BX
- Proposed new stepped front access, including external lift
176 Sunrising Looe Cornwall PL13 1ND
- Erection of agricultural building with associated works
Land North East Of Colts Bungalow West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HY
- Planning applications validated during June 2023
- Notice of intention to install electronic communications apparatus pursuant to the town and country planning (general permitted development)(england) order 2015 and the electronic communications code (conditions and regulations) 2003
Street Record Glebelands East Looe Cornwall
- New rear link extension and re-modelling
The Orchard Darloe Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BG
- Conversion of two flats into a single dwelling
Chandlers Gardens Princes Street West Looe Cornwall PL13 2ER
- Works to trees in a Conservation area (TCA) We wish to reduce the height and width of the tree as encroaching on our neighbours garden at Suncrest, blocking sunlight and views.
Trefrew Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BQ
- Proposed Extension
Pippin Kellow Looe Cornwall PL13 1LE
- Proposed porch extension together with amendment to approved balcony guarding (PA20/08218)
Ascham Cottage The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BB
- Proposed extension and alterations
Suncote Meadway East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JR
- Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new dwelling and construction of new vehicular access
Penannton Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DN
- To remove and level the front lawn to the same level as the current patio and replace both with composite decking and a glass with stainless steel posts surround
2 Sunnyside West Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EE
- Advertisement consent to replace existing double-sided internally illuminated 6-sheet bus shelter advertising displays with double-sided digital displays
Bus Shelter Station Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Planning applications validated during May 2023
- Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) of Application No. PA21/08471 dated 10th November 2021 (Erection of replacement dwelling)
West Hill Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HF
- Pre-application advice for a replacement cowl
The Old Sail Loft Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AP
- Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed use of confirmation of commencement in relation to decision notice PA20/01050 dated 23.10.2020
Peppers Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DN
- Work to Trees in a Conservation Area namely:- T1- Ash 5-6m growing out of top of 20 metre cliff edge in side/rear garden of property. Remove to 1-2 meter high stump. G1 - Sycamore 6-8m growing out of top of 20 metre cliff edge in side/rear garden of property. Remove Sycamore to 1-2 meter high stump.
Adastra Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DZ
- Planning applications validated during April 2023
- Construction of summer house and formation of parking bay
Monks House Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Works to trees within a conservation area - removal of 2 Conifers numbers T1 and T2. Reduce crown by 3 metres and remove rotton branch on 1 Apple tree number T3
Hannafore Cottage Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DU
- Pre-application advice for residential development.
Land West Of Salter Close Kimlers Way St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1PS
- Listed building consent for rendering of chimney stack
2 New Cottages West Looe Square Looe Cornwall PL13 2EU
- Re-landscaping of existing slopped grassed garden to the north and east of the site. Area to have new terraces, with new planting beds and hard landscaped patios and paths.
Adastra Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DZ
- Replacement of Windows and the inner sash with new hard wood, like for like , improving the efficiency and integrity of the building.
Belle Vue North Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EJ
- Planning applications validated during March 2023
- Terraced balcony in existing loft conversion without compliance with Condition 2 in relation to decision notice PA21/08738 dated 17.11.2021.
Trevose Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HD
- Application for Permission in Principle for Conversion of garage/workshop to one dwelling, with associated works
Land West Of Hillcrest House Nursing Home Barbican Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1NN
- Works to trees within a conservation area - works to T1 (Oak), removal of T2 (Conifer) and works to G1 (Conifer and Willow)
The Pines West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HP
- Extension to house with balcony over
72 Sunrising Looe Cornwall PL13 1NF
- Five New Houses and associated infrastructure.
Land Adjacent To Tregarrick Court Goonwartha Road West Looe PL13 2PJ
- Pre-application advice for the installation of 12 (No.) solar panels in the rear garden (ground mounted).
6 Hillside Terrace Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HS
- Proposed alterations to existing pedestrian access and provision for 2 off road parking spaces with electric car charging facility
Redsands Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DW
- Pre-application advice for the installation of 12 (No.) solar panels in the rear garden (ground mounted)
6 Hillside Terrace Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HS
- Listed Building Consent for replacement of existing plumbing and waste services, replacement and updating of bathroom fittings and kitchen fittings, removal of upper half of the kitchen internal stud wall, removal of cladding and reapplication of lime pointing with traditional lime mortar, installation of eco-electric combi boiler, replacement of fibre board with painted T and G pine boards, replacement of window hinges and repainting in the existing colour scheme, replacement of existing flood defence barrier and internal redecoration.
The Galleon The Bay East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DB
- Replacement of existing plumbing and waste services, replacement and updating of bathroom fittings and kitchen fittings, removal of upper half of the kitchen internal stud wall, removal of cladding and reapplication of lime pointing with traditional lime mortar, installation of eco-electric combi boiler, replacement of fibre board with painted T and G pine boards, replacement of window hinges and repainting in the existing colour scheme, replacement of existing flood defence barrier and internal redecoration.
The Galleon The Bay East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DB
- Development of 7 apartments at The Coach House and former Chapel of Rest, The Millpool, West Looe, including demolition of existing building.
Former Chapel Of Rest West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Planning applications validated during February 2022
- Pre-application advice for replacement windows and the removal of metal rotten cast iron balcony and like for like replacement
2 Pixies Holt Flats Buller Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AR
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA21/08952 dated 04.11.22
Penmorvah Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Submission of details to discharge condition 8 of decision PA18/09595 dated 13.12.2018
Land Adjacent To Goonwartha Road West Looe Cornwall
- Construction of garden room and associated works including lowering of garden levels, rendering of walls and provision of fence to wall (previously commenced without consent).
Former Spaven Mor Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DN
- Planning applications validated during January 2023
- Submission of details to discharge condition nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 in respect of decision no. PA22/02224 dated 03/05/2022
Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Construction of garden raised decking/balcony
Bramblecoombe Cottage Commonwood Manor St Martins Road Looe PL13 1LP
- Change of use of garage to dwelling including external alterations.
Garage St Aubyns Marine Drive Hannaford Point Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Replacement galvanised steel and brick balustrade on balcony/roof terrace on the same footprint with a frameless laminated glass balustrade.
3 Springfield Gate East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HF
- Construction of new garage and workshop/utility room on existing double off-street parking space. Construction of new terrace on garage roof. Construction of new single storey front extension to dining and living rooms with access out on to new terrace. New two bedroom loft conversion with rear flat roof dormer, and two pitch roofed front dormers
91 Sunrising Looe Cornwall PL13 1NG
- Works to trees within a conservation area: T1, Leylandii hedge at rear of property. To be reduced in height and width. 7 meter hedge, taking away 2-3 meters, leaving 5-6 meters. T2, Leylandii at front of property to be removed to ground level. Leaving 0 meters.
Torleaven West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HP
- Proposed loft conversion.
Tree Tops West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HX
- Replacement refrigeration plant
Co-Operative Stores Ltd Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AD
- Planning applications validated during December 2022
- Conversion of vacant hotel to four new dwellings and associated works.
Fieldhead Hotel Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DR
- Erection of 3-bed dwellinghouse (identical to scheme previously approved under planning permission ref PA16/03210)
Land Adjacent To Seascape Bay View Road East Looe Cornwall
- New driveway to front of house with dropped kerb
Dawn View Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JW
- Listed building consent for the installation of a flexible flue liner in an existing chimney for the purposes of connecting a new woodburning stove
Alexandra Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EZ
- New parking area, supported by steel framework on steel columns
Seawind Chapel Ground West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BH
- Alteration to dormer (removal of existing and reconstruction of identical structure to the West) and installation of conservation roof light in place of existing dormer position.
Trebarwith Chapel Ground West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BJ
- Proposed replacement windows
Chy An Colom Fore Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EZ
- Listed Building Consent for proposed replacement windows
Chy An Colom Fore Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EZ
- Non-material amendment in relation to decision notice PA19/06305 dated 25/09/2019 for repositioning of external door originally shown in garden room (west elevation) to hall (north elevation)
Little Fieldhead Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall
- Planning applications validated during November 2022
- Application for Prior Notification of Proposed Agricultural or Forestry Development for general agricultural store building
Land North West Of Unit 6 At Portlooe Boatyard West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HZ
- Non material amendment in relation to decision notice PA21/08758 dated 09.03.22 for clarification of elevational treatments. Hard landscaping and bin store amendments due to ground conditions following commencement of works
Former Veronica Sandplace Road St Martin Cornwall PL13 1LR
- Proposed retrospective permission for deck and rear terraced areas.
7 Springfield Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HB
- Variation of S106 Agreement relating to employment land provision in respect of decision notice PA10/03413
Land Adjoining Looe Comprehensive School Barbican Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1EU
- Non-material amendment in relation to decision notice PA19/01333 dated 09.05.19 namely 1) move roof apex 250mm East. Height as existing proposed. 2) Internal structural concrete pillar ridgebeam support. 3) Internal stud partition first floor. 4) move position of internal non load bearing concrete wall
Lowenna Portlooe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HZ
- Proposed new windows
Old Barbican Cottage Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DZ
- Exception Notice to fell two dead Ash trees.
Shutta Lodge Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in respect of application PA18/06355
Seamor Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Proposed installation of 12 Solar PV Array roof panels 9 - previous application withdrawn PA21/10816
Shutta Lodge Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Submission of details to Discharge Condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA22/00208 dated 6th April 2022
Uplands East Cliff East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DE
- Works to trees in a Conservation area to include two willow trees in the front garden of Portnadler
Portnadler West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HW
- Rear main dormer and front dormer Loft Conversion
Wendaway Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- External alterations to fourth floor flat. (Amendment to approved application PA15/05275) without compliance with condition 3 of decision notice PA17/00189 dated 16/06/2017
The Penthouse East Quay House Buller Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AL
- Application for Listed Building Consent for removal of external projecting sign, external signage and removal of all internal fixtures & fittings due to Branch closure
Lloyds Bank Plc Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DP
- Pre application advice for proposed solar panels on south facing roof of Bay Tree House
Bay Tree House Princes Square West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EP
- Planning applications validated during October 2022
- Proposed demolition of porch and construction of single storey extension with balcony over (amendment to approval PA22/05555 to remove privacy screen condition)
Fairways Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LY
- Demolition of existing galvanised balcony, construction of single storey extension to incorporate roof terrace. Demolition of section of boundary wall to improve access and parking provisions
Overwater 2 Klymiarven Gardens Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Proposed thermal upgrades to roof, walls, windows and doors with associated refurbishment and re-modelling works
13 Elm Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JB
- Additional floor to house. (Resubmission of PA21/11187)
Porthryn The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BB
- Application for planning permission for construction of a 4 bedroom residential dwelling with associated landscaping, parking and amenity space
Land Off Barbican Hill Looe Cornwall PL13 1BH
- Proposed Loft Conversion with roof lights to the front and flat roof extension at the rear together with installing a raised new flat roof to the rear extension with glazed roof lantern
6 Hillside Terrace Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HS
- Demolition of existing conservatory and side extension and construction of a new replacement side extension
Elmbank Cottage Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Application for a change of use of garage to dwelling including external alterations
Land West Of St Aubyns Portuan Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Construction of front porch
75 Sunrising Looe Cornwall PL13 1NE
- Planning applications validated during September 2022
- Proposed Balcony
Penrowan Meadway East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JT
- Pre application advice for strengthening works to stabilise the highways and improve safety for road and railways users
Street Record Sandplace Road St Martin Cornwall
- Application for non material amendment (1) following grant of planning permission PA22/08485 dated 04.03.2022. Amendment sought to revert back to slate tiles using a natural Brazilian green slate tile
Anjoma Sandplace Road St Martin Cornwall PL13 1LR
- Loft conversion/extension and renovation/re-modelling of existing dwelling
1 Elm Tree Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HY
- To knock down existing conservatory and replace it with an extension that will be the same depth as the existing conservatory but wider to go across full width of house
20 Fairfields East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HD
- Change of use from guest house to dwelling
Little Harbour Church Street West Looe Cornwall PL13 2EX
- Demolition of existing conservatory, construction of a new conservatory extension, replacement of existing front door and construction of new entrance canopy and replacement of existing garden summer house
Bryn-Y-Mor East Cliff East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DE
- Application for Permission in Principal for the Construction of 3 minimum and 5 maximum open market dwellings together with change of use of land to gardens
Land Adjacent to Rame View Looe Cornwall
- Proposed extensions and alterations without compliance with Conditions 3 and 4 of decision notice PA16/02806 dated 09.05.2016
Greystones Marine Drive West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Application for Non-Material Amendment to PA21/08471 for a Proposed dwelling, namely 1) Amend construction levels, raising the ground floor slab to allow a functional foul connection to the new cottage
West Hill Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HF
- Non-material amendment (NMA2) in relation to decision notice PA17/10283 dated 26/04/2018 to amend originally approved render to all elevations at ground level to slate grey composite cladding
85 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SD
- Submission of details to discharge Conditions 3 and 4 in respect of Decision Notice PA17/05790 dated 14.08.17.
Land Opposite Four Winds Millendreath Cornwall
- Planning applications validated during August 2022
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 4 and 6 in relation to decision notice PA22/00742 dated 21.06.2022
Wespenton Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Enlarged roof dormers. Car parking area
2 The Arches Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DE
- Replacement dwelling.
Bridgend, Little Westwood North Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2ED
- Householder planning permission for extensions to the property and demolition and rebuilding of existing garages
Yonder Hill Marine Drive West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Pre-application advice for relocation of waste storage bins
Multi Use Trail Between Looe And Cremyll West Looe Cornwall
- Planning applications validated during July 2022
- Alterations and extensions to Wespenton including the creation of a new lower ground floor and conversion of the loft space to create a new second floor
Wespenton Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Balcony extension to incude frameless glass balustrading, replacement of all existing UPVC windows and doors with anthracite grey aluminium profile windows, replacement of existing lounge window with French door opening onto new balcony, replacement of existing dining and second bedroom doors with new bi-fold doors and change of colour of the rendered walls from magnolia to white
1 Klymiarven Gardens Oakleigh Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Exception notice for works to Monterey Cypress
6 St Aubyns Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Application to retain galvanised steel cowl serving commercial kitchen
The Sail Loft Quay Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AP
- Listed building consent for retain galvanised steel cowl serving commercial kitchen
The Sail Loft Quay Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AP
- Pre application advice for conversion of existing block of stone barns to 2 residential units and work and home office.
Land East Of Looe Nursery St Martins Road St Martin Cornwall PL13 1NX
- Repainting all exterior walls and replacing exterior wall tile cladding with composite wall cladding (small area over balcony). Replacement of one exterior door. Repainting of one small wooden exterior basement door.
Harbour Heights Dawn Road Hannafore Cornwall PL13 2DS
- Extension of existing balcony at rear of property
Seabird Meadway East Looe Cornwall PL13 1JT
- Householder application for rear extension including associated re-modelling including amendments to windows and doors and conversion of window to juliet balcony
25 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SD
- Pre-application advice for the development of 10 (No.) 3 (No.) bedroom affordable family homes with 5 (No.) private-for-sale detached houses to subsidise the affordable houses and infrastructure costs
Land And Buildings On The South Side Of Polperro Road West Looe Cornwall
- Conversion of single-storey bungalow to a two-storey dwelling, creation of two South East facing roof terraces and associated remodelling and improvement works.
Wendaway Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Planning applications validated during June 2022
- Proposed demolition of porch and construction of single storey extension with balcony over
Fairways Shutta East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LY
- Conversion of garage door to new front door with addition of new entrance canopy, demolition of existing rear extensions and installation of new external doors to rear elevation of kitchen
Pentreath Marine Drive West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA22/01969
25 Restormel Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1EJ
- Proposed outdoor decking area
1 Nailzee House Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DR
- Use of Land as Domestic Garden, Retention of Raised Decking Area and Post and Rail Fence, Installation of Ground Level Decking Area and Siting of Garden Shed and Landscaping
Land North Of Kilhallon Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJ
- Planning applications validated during May 2022
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 6 in respect of Decision Notice PA22/02224 dated 14.05.2022
Shutta Road East Looe Looe PL13 1HW
- erations and extension to dwelling including the erection of a rear canopy and creation of new entrance lobby, with associated works
Portlooe Barton Farm West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HY
- Listed Building Consent to repair slate roof. Replace asbestos slates with new slates. Replace broken and missing guttering and down pipes with new cast iron guttering. Internal secondary glazing on front bedroom windows
Trenwith West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HJ
- Non-material amendment in relation to decision notice PA17/10283 dated 26.04.2018: amend originally approved render to all elevations above ground level to red/brown brickwork to match intermittent design
85 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SD
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, works are to T1 (Oak) - reduce lateral growth on south east side by up to 2m, with cuts no greater than 50mm, crown raise above road by 5.1m and deadwood and remove damaged limb. T2 (Oak) - reduce lateral growth on south east side by up to 1m, cuts no greater than 40mm
Barn Meadow West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2EA
- Exception notice to make unknown tree species safe/removed, depending on an experts opinion in back garden
Ifor West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HQ
- Change of Use of existing building (Use Class A1) to a mixed use bonded warehouse (ground floor) with office and reception and gin school/visitor centre/bar (first floor) with construction of outdoor seating area/balcony
Cornish Spiritsmith Ltd Unit 3 Downstairs Store Buller Quay Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DX
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in relation to Decision Notice PA21/10685 dated 19.04.2022
Petroc Higher Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Extension of driveway to create one additional off-street parking space
Rame Portuan Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DW
- Planning applications validated during April 2022
- Replacement of asbestos tiles with natural slate to roof. Installation of photovoltaic panels to roof
Tregarland East Cliff East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DE
- Alterations and extension to dwelling, with associated works
Island View Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Non-material amendment in relation to Decision Notice PA22/00603 dated 16th March 2022 for alteration of east end hipped roof and omission of 2 columns
Port View Fore Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HH
- Alteration and extension
Penolver Darloe Lane West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BG
- Replace existing conservatory with an open veranda with balcony/terrace above. Replace existing dormer window with a patio style door
Well Lane Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe PL13 2HW
- Removal of unauthorised shed and construction of new
19A Beech Terrace West Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AQ
- Construction of rear conservatory
8 Kimlers Way St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1PS
- To renew the roof
Chy An Dour Fore Street East Looe PL13 1DU
- Planning applications validated during March 2022
- Loft conversion including new rear dormer and front roof windows
2 Hillside Terrace Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HS
- Log cabin (width 5meters, depth 3.5 meters) height 2.44mm. This would be positioned in the garden (side garden due to being semi detached) The log cabin would be used as a work office (massage therapist)
25 Restormel Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1EJ
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3 & 4 of PA21/08758 dated 09/03/2022
Former Veronica Sandplace Road St Martin Cornwall PL13 1LR
- Replacement timber window frames to the same profile
Lantau Higher Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Listed Building Consent for replacement timber window frames too the same profile
Lantau Higher Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Proposed replacement of windows and door from timber to UPVC
Briar Cottage Princes Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2ER
- Erection of dwelling without compliance of condition 2 in relation to Decision Notice PA17/00590 dated 09.03.2017
Stay Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Works to trees in a conservation area (CA), works include T1 & T2 - Reduce 2 no Oaks by approximately 4 metres to suitable growth points.
2 Springfield Gate East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HF
- Proposal to undertake strengthening of part of the Rivercroft Hotel section of the retaining wall, undertake crack repair, repointing, renew copings and take down and rebuild parts of the highway parapets
Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Formation of an external lift to provide access from road level to dwelling house, with associated bridging structure
Coromandel Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LG
- Change of use of store to residential annexe
The Knoll Pendrim Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HX
- Planning applications validated during February 2022
- Extension to existing property and additional studio/garage space
18 Beech Terrace West Road West Looe PL13 2AQ
- Alter rear window to create riverside doorway and allow increased ventilation/amenity for staff office
Health Centre Station Road East Looe PL13 1HA
- Construction of a 4 bedroom residential dwelling with associated landscaping, parking and amenity space
Land Off Barbican Hill Looe PL13 1BH
- Replacement of existing wooden front door and adjoining window and frame to same style
Petroc Higher Chapel Street East Looe PL13 1AU
- Listed building consent form the replacement of existing wooden front door and adjoining window and frame with new hand made wooden front door and adjoining window and frame to same style. Replacement required as existing wood is rotten in a number of sections
Petroc Higher Chapel Street East Looe PL13 1AU
- Replacement windows of same size and shape to the front aspect of the house
Church House Higher Chapel Street East Looe PL13 1AU
- Listed building consent for replacement windows to the front aspect of the house
Church House Higher Chapel Street East Looe PL13 1AU
- Use of field fo secure dog walking
St Martins Field Barbican Road Junction St Martins Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1NX
- Proposed renovation, re-modelling and rear extension along with an improved parking arrangement
Endsleigh Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LU
- Replacement windows and doors
Harbourmasters Hannafore Lane West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DT
- Replacement of 9 UPVC and single glazed aluminium frames windows and two doors with heritage grade UPVC windows. New glass and stainless steel balustrade to first floor front balcony.
1 Glencairn Station Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HL
- Conversion and extension to an existing garage to form a self contained residential annexe
Wespenton Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Planning applications validated during January 2022
- Replacement of external walls to Flats 1 and 3
1 - 3 Port View Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HH
- Alterations to remove existing dormer windows and raise the existing roof line with new pitched roof. Create link to rear high level garden from existing first floor level
Uplands East Cliff East Looe PL13 1DE
- Works to trees in a conservation area (CA), works to include a section fell to ground level for trees T1 (Elm), T2 (Elm), T3 (Elm) and T4 (Elm)
Wooldown Woodland Adjoining Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJ
- Demolition and reconstruction of sun room. Addition of a first floor balcony. Internal reconfigurations and amendments to doors and windows to suit
White Rocks Meadway East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JS
- Construction of a parking bay
1 Tregarrick West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2SD
- Replacement of windows and doors from timber to uPVC to identical profiles
Harbour House Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DD
- Proposed containers for the sale of hot and cold food takeaways
Millpool Boat Yard Bridgend Looe Cornwall PL13 2AE
- Proposed conversion of garage to dining/kitchen and construction of detached garage
Bornholm Cleveland Avenue East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JU
- Resubmission of planning approval PA21/05937 to include alterations including raising roof by 500mm. Introducing a wheel chair vertical lift and re-using concrete tiles on roof as opposed to natural slate
Stonebank Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Replace windows with new white casement windows throughout. Replace roof coverings to match existing. Replace and upgrade cladding on extension with weatherboard instead of tiles. Install roof light windows to front pitched roof as well as other improvements such as replacing the front door
Anjoma Sandplace Road St Martin PL13 1LR
- Alterations and extension to hotel
Hannafore Point Hotel Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DG
- Replacement of windows and doors to front rear and side of property
Quay View Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2ES
- Pre application advice for demolition of existing buildings and construction of 12 no 2 bed flats
The Coach House Flat The Millpool West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Demolition of existing single family dwelling house and replacement with a new single family dwelling house.
Howl Ughel The Downs West Looe PL13 2BE
- Pre application advice to demolish current 4 bed detached single property and rebuild 4/5 bedroomed detached 2/3 storey property
Howl Ughel The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BE
- Planning applications validated during December 2021
- Construction of timber amenity deck and garden shed
Land North Of Kilhallon Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJ
- Construction of garden shed
Stonebank Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Ground and First floor extensions to dwelling
Bar-Ric Meadway East Looe PL13 1JR
- Conversion of vacant hotel to 4 no. dwellings including change of use.
Fieldhead Hotel Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DR
- Application to add a new proposed first floor to an existing single storey
Tree Tops Hannafore Lane West Looe PL13 2DT
- Planning applications validated during November 2021
- Non-material amendment (NMA1) in relation to decision notice PA21/04639 dated 09.09.21 to include supporting posts from ground level to balconies and change in the balustrade detail to upright steel supports with glass balustrade
Ferry View Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HD
- Demolition of existing timber dormer bungalow and detached garage. Build new two-storey house and new detached garage
Restings Plaidy Lane East Looe PL13 1LF
- Construction of garage extension with balcony over
82 Portbyhan Road West Looe PL13 2QN
- Change of use of rear staff accommodation for hotel to 2 no letting rooms with en suite bathrooms and kitchen/living area. Creation of terrace by relocating external stair
Accommodation The Watermark Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DE
- Works to trees in a conservation area - fell 1 x juniper tree and 1 x ash tree with dieback
Flat 2 Sea Breeze Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HD
- Non-material amendment in respect of decision notice PA21/03365.
Reflections Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Two-storey rear extension to be completed same structure as existing property.
12 Trewint Crescent East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ET
- Additional floor to house
Porthryn The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BB
- Flat roof single storey extension to the rear. Two window openings merged into one opening for bifold access to flat roof extension. Proposed balcony on South West elevation. Both extension and balcony to have glass balustrading
Upper Kellow (First Floor) Kellow Looe Cornwall PL13 1LE
- Proposed solar PV panels to be located on the south east and south west roof pitches
Shutta Lodge Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- To extend landing timber area to exterior first floor entrance
6 Nailzee House Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DR
- Planning applications validated during October 2021
- Construction of new two storey rear extension. Construction of new roof extension with raised ridge, height, gable ends and front balcony. Construction of new garden access spiral staircase.
Trevena Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Proposed resurfacing of existing parking area including new boundary walls, drop kerb, new surface water drainage, rendering of existing practice wall, new permanent stainless steel bollards, new pedestrian access to tennis courts and new access to highway
Looe Lawn Tennis Club Marine Drive Looe PL13 2DJ
- Renovation and alterations to existing dwelling, including new roof structure, external works, balcony, and fenestration
Trevanion Lodge Hannafore Road West Looe PL13 2DE
- Demolition of existing house. Construction of a two detached dwellings. Resubmission of application PA21/02533
Treryn Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LY
- Alterations and extensions to existing dormer windows to create larger first floor and reposition existing windows to ground floor. Addition of front balcony and rear access to high level garden.
Uplands East Cliff East Looe PL13 1DE
- Construction of car parking area.
Penmorvah Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Demolition of existing building down to basement level and rebuild of property with an additional floor and different materials in line with approval reference PA20/07617
Spaven Mor Portuan Road West Looe Looe PL13 2DN
- Fell Juniper tree that could fall during storms
Flat 2 Sea Breeze Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HD
- Tree works to an Elm tree (1) within a conservation area
West View Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1HW
- Proposed extension and re-modelling
Fermain Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JN
- Proposed extension
4 Pendennis Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EL
- Removal of deteriorating dry stone retaining wall and a small section of the front garden for a single car space, connecting into the existing driveway to provide easier access
15 St Winnolls Park East Looe PL13 1DG
- New deck to front patio with glass balustrade. Replace ground floor window to east facade with French doors. New exterior steps from second floor to upper rear garden
White Cottage Quay Road West Looe PL13 2BU
- Proposed two number replacement dwellings
Veronica Sandplace Road St Martin Cornwall PL13 1LR
- Planning applications validated during September 2021
- To replace the remaining wooden window frames and doors with double glazed uPVC windows/door.
Craigside Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1HP
- Felling of an Ash
Old Barbican Farm Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1DZ
- Works to trees covered by a TPO, namely: Oak (T1) removal of dead wood and limbs overhanging garden posing threat to children who play there All work to be carried out to BS3998 recommendations
4 Restormel Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EJ
- Single storey extension to west elevation forming balcony on existing flat roof, installation of solar panels and associated alterations
St Anns Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- To alter existing balcony to match number 2 Topview as a Juliet design
1 Topview Chapel Ground West Looe PL13 2BJ
- Works to trees namely:- G1- Ash group approximately 4- remove, these have dieback and are at risk of failure within a Conservation Area
Trelean West Looe Hill West Looe PL13 2HW
- Extension to existing property and additional studio/garage space.
18 Beech Terrace West Road West Looe PL13 2AQ
- Planning applications validated during August 2021
- Erection of replacement dwelling
West Hill Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HF
- Terraced balcony in existing loft conversion
Trevose Downs View West Looe PL13 2HD
- Pre-application advice for repairs to parapet walls. Historic Environment consultation advice with unaccompanied site visit
Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Proposed dormer extension and internal alterations, widening of garage door,removal of chimney and new proposed solar panels.
2 River View Polperro Road West Looe PL13 2BW
- Retrospective Planning for the erection of terrace
3 Martins Way Shutta Looe Cornwall PL13 1LU
- Proposed Extension
Pleydon Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EX
- Householder application to add a new proposed first floor to a single storey bungalow
Tree Tops Hannafore Lane West Looe PL13 2DT
- Application to create new parking area
Tree Tops Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DT
- Construction of raised deck and garden shed with car parking bay to remote garden area
Land North Of Kilhallon Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJ
- Insertion of window to previously approved conversion of garage
1 The Lodge Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Replacement of an existing dilapidated wooden shed/summerhouse at the rear of the back garden with a new pent roof shed/summerhouse.
Gulls Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe PL13 2HJ
- Planning applications validated during July 2021
- Loft conversion with dormers
Fairbank Cottage Fore Street West Looe PL13 2HA
- Works to trees in a conservation area - reduce height of leylandii hedge down to 4 feet high.
Port Looe Cottage Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DT
- Replacement windows.
Trenanton Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1HP
- Alterations and extension on North West elevation.
6 Tarton Close St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1FG
- Advertisement consent for sign to Flank Wall and Private Road sign within property curtilage
Clipper House Dawn Road Hannafore Looe Cornwall PL13 2DS
- Works to trees within a conservation area - 2 x Ash, 1 x Bay, 1 x Cyprus, 1 x dead Ash and 1 x Cyprus in neighbouring property 'Bilston'
Endsleigh Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1LU
- Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new dwelling and construction of new vehicular access
Penannton Portuan Road West Looe PL13 2DN
- Construction of dwelling with new access driveway
Land NE Of Stone Shutta East Looe Cornwall
- To extend living area in the roof space
The Penthouse Nailzee Point Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DF
- EIA Scoping Opinion Request for Looe Harbour
Looe Harbour Commissioners Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DX
- Listed Building Consent to provide a fire break ceiling to existing garage and bin store, to provide an isolation cupboard to current electrical meters and compartmentation of the building where service pipes and electrical cables have been passed through the walls
Buller House The Quay East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AL
- Proposed installation of two windows on the south west elevation of the house.
Mcmillen Lodge Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Demolition and reconstruction of garage and parking area
Stonebank Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Planning applications validated during June 2021
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely crown reduction and partial crown lift as shown on accompanying photographs
Highwater Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Retention of dwelling, detached garage and associated access
Highwater Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Construction of 33 dwellings to include public open space, landscape planting, pedestrian and vehicular links.
Land West Of Kimlers Way Kimlers Way St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1PS
- New outbuilding and associated works
Higher Portlooe House Access To Portlooe House Portlooe PL13 2HZ
- The proposal is to undertake strengthening of parts of Shutta Road retaining wall. Works to include crack repair, repointing, renew copings and take down and rebuild parts of the highway parapets that are considered unsafe along the highway
Clifton Place Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- First floor side extension, new front canopy, raised height of front guard rail and amendments to windows and doors
Sea View Cottage North Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EJ
- Planning applications validated during May 2021
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely remove Ash tree (T1)
Bottom Flat Lower Genista Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HB
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely section fell to ground level large mature Eucalyptus trees (T1, T2 and T3)
Woodland At West Looe Downs The Downs West Looe Cornwall
- Variation of condition 2 of decision PA20/02152 dated 14th August 2020 Application for planning permission for the erection of single storey dwelling, with associated works.
Land Adj To 2 Portbyhan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2QN
- Pre application advice for flood alleviation works at Looe
Banjo Pier East Looe Cornwall
- Re-development of existing building to form 6 apartments; erection of 19 new-build apartments; and erection of a single stand-alone house (26 in total). All to be for elderly living (i.e. the over 55's) together with integrated communal facilities, site amenity, car parking and landscape works
Polvellan Manor The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AH
- Replace roof tiles and ridge tiles
St Georges, Flat 2 Shutta East Looe PL13 1LU
- Pre-application advice for construction of a business and learning hub linked to the existing library building.
Looe Library And One Stop Shop The Millpool West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Reconstruction of house and workshop
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Planning applications validated during April 2021
- Prior Notification of open fronted agricultural storage building
Longpark Farm West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EA
- Install replacement windows to front and side of property
Mitchells Cottage Shutta East Looe PL13 1LT
- Reconstruction of house and workshop
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Replacement of a mismatch of window types, wood, metal and old UPVC, with new UPVC in anthracite grey.
Polgray Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LY
- Construction of single storey side extension with balcony, remodelling of front elevation including alterations to first floor bay windows and addition of front balcony, amendments to doors and windows, construction of car port
Reflections Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Front and Rear extension. New Garage. Amendments to doors and windows
Trelymner Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EU
- Formation of car parking space to dwelling
Try Cottage Pendrim Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HX
- Householder application for proposed windows and doors replacement to the South East Front Elevation and the North East Side Elevation
Shutta Lodge Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Retrospective planning for dormer and balcony to South East Elevation, and extension of balcony
8 Downs Lane Park Looe Cornwall PL13 2DP
- Remove pebble dash from front of building, replace with smooth render; replace UPVC double glazed tilt and turn windows with white painted wooden sash windows; replace double glazed UPVC front door with 4-panel timber and glazed door.
Tre-Bedlam Higher Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BS
- Planning applications validated during March 2021
- Conversion of garage to use as a holiday let or as ancillary accommodation (resubmission of PA20/08463)
Spring Tides Hay Lane East Looe PL13 1JY
- Proposed reconstruction of boat building shed/store for use classification E
Boat Building Shed Top End The Millpool West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AF
- Demolition of existing house. Construction of 2 detached dwellings
Treryn Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LY
- Extension to First floor on the North West Elevation. Addition of a balcony and patio doors on first floor South East Elevation. Removal of existing windows and replaced with patio doors on ground floor South East Elevation with associated internal alterations
Pen-Holm The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BB
- Plan Proposal and Strategic Environmental Assessment submitted for Looe Neighbourhood Development Plan
Looe Cornwall
- Domestic extension over existing garage with associated works
Kimberly Downs Lane Looe Cornwall PL13 2HX
- Extension to house
38 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1ED
- Application for non-material amendment (1) following grant of planning permission E2/08/00294/FUL. Amendment sought revised front facade fenestration, ground floor garages and storage/meter rooms, access gates to pedestrian stairs, revised roof details and solar panels to all pitched roofs
Woodside Cottage Sandplace Road St Martin PL13 1LR
- Proposed decking area front elevation
4 Downs Lane Park Looe Cornwall PL13 2DP
- Retention of replacement double-glazed windows (previously single glazed), new front stable door (previously door with window) and new back door to replace previous stable door
The Dolphins Bay Street Looe Cornwall PL13 1BZ
- Planning applications validated during February 2021
- Removal of two trees within conservation area
Klymiarven Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BG
- Consent to Fell Bay tree (T1) within conservation area
Harbour Watch Downs View West Looe PL13 2HB
- To paint the exterior walls of this detached property including window sills
East Cliffe House Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BE
- Proposed single storey extension to rear of property
13 Sunrising Looe Cornwall PL13 1NA
- Pre application advice for construction of a new dwelling
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Replacement of three Wooden Sash Windows with heritage grade sliding UPVC sliding windows with horn details to match existing and replacement of door
Flat 7 Barracuda Flats Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJ
- Planning applications validated during January 2021
- Conversion of garage. Construction of rear extension with first floor balcony over. Infilling some window openings and amendments to some window openings and fenestration. Part over cladding of the elevation with fibre cement planks. Construction of a gym and bike store in the garden.
Pine Trees Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 and 4 in respect of Decision Notice PA20/02408
Retaining Wall At Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DT
- Addition of max 4m monopole antenna and 1.5m dipole antenna to existing 15m fire service training tower
CFRS Looe Training Site Looe Community Academy Sunrising East Looe PL13 3EA
- Planning applications validated during December 2020
- Pre application advice for re-submission of PA16/03361/PREAPP, pre-application advice for construction of 2 new dwellings with off-street parking,
Land Opposite Penmorvah Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall
- Works to trees in a Conservation area namely cut down - remove 13 outgrown Lleyandii
Polgray Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LY
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely fell Sycamore tree (T2)
Harbour Watch Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HB
- Planning applications validated during November 2020
- One Sycamore to be removed
Stonebank Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Variation of s106 agreement to include the Councils latest mortgagee protection clause
Adjoining Looe Comprehensive School Barbican Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1EU
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA20/07130 dated 26th October 2020
1 Orenda And Harbour Heights The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BA
- Construction of a new dwelling
Donsubet Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- Western Power Distribution (WPD) are looking to refurbish a part of our electricity network in order to improve the system in the locality of St Martins Looe. WPD are looking to run a third wire between pole 45LLR1 and 45LLR3 and refurbish this piece of network with new poles and fittings.
Land East Of Windermere St Martins Road St Martin Cornwall PL13 1NX
- Application for renewal of permission PA17/05355 reconstruction of bay window together with internal alterations and additional parking and alterations to access
St Anns Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Conversion of vacant hotel to four dwellings including change of use
Fieldhead Hotel Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DR
- Pre application advice for installation of max 4m monopole antenna x1 and 1.5m dipole antenna x1 to existing 15m fire training tower to enable alerting the members of Looe Community Fire Station to respond to emergency incidents. The single main aerial is only energized when firefighters are required to respond and the smaller aerial connects the mobilising system to the central control in service headquarters.
Fire Brigade Training Tower And Yard Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1NQ
- Planning applications validated during October 2020
- Fell one self seeded multi stemmed Sycamore Tree. Tree is now overhanging surrounding properties and located on a retaining wall
1 Klymiarven Gardens Oakleigh Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1DY
- New 2 Storey side extension and internal configuration
77 Bodrigan Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EH
- Proposed replacement single storey extension to north elevation
24 Bodrigan Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EG
- Conversion of existing detached residential garage ancillary accommodation.
Spring Tides Hay Lane East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JY
- New dormer window to roof
12 Tregarrick West Looe PL13 2SD
- Planning applications validated during September 2020
- Removal of Juliette balcony and construction of balcony
Ascham Cottage The Downs West Looe PL13 2BB
- Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order, namely Beech (T1) reduce back to boundary; Oak (T2) reduce back to boundary, involving reducing to a 3 metre pollard; Ash (T3) reduce back to boundary
Tiree St Martins Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LP
- Remodel of the existing property with the marginal lifting of existing roof heights to provide additional accommodation space. Provision of different materials to walls and roof.
Spaven Mor Portuan Road West Looe PL13 2DN
- Demolition of existing single storey bay window and construction of new two storey bay window with hipped roof
4 Salter Close St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1FE
- Works to trees namely - T1 Holm Oak Crown raise to remove branches, remove lower branches, remove deadwood in main canopy, - T2 Holm Oak - remove secondary stem, remove deadwood showing in canopy - subject to a Tree Preservation Order(TPO).
1 The Lodge Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DH
- Application to fit a balcony and replace the sliding patio doors with bi-fold doors (resubmission of PA19/10927)
The Cottage West Quay House Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BY
Kellys Of Looe Fore Street East Looe PL13 1DT
- Planning applications validated during August 2020
- Conversion of two properties into one together with extension, decking and summer house (resubmission of PA20/01714)
1 Orenda And Harbour Heights The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BA
Ref. No: PA20/07130 | Validated: Wed 19 Aug 2020 - Prior Notification of agricultural building for livestock shelter and feed shedSt Georges Island Marine Drive West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA20/06328 | Validated: Tue 04 Aug 2020
- Planning applications validated during July 2020
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely remove one double stem sycamore adjacent to the house growing out of the hedge by the back door. Reduce higher garden Spruce by approx 3m and higher garden Conifer by approx 2m.East View West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HWRef. No: PA20/06164 | Validated: Thu 23 Jul 2020
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 1, 2, 3 and 4 in respect of decision PA17/07578 dated 31/08/2017Shirley Plaidy Lane East Looe PL13 1LFRef. No: PA20/06095 | Validated: Wed 22 Jul 2020
- Exception notice for works to a trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order, namely removal of dead branch from Monterey Pine (part of G1)Tresco Dawn Road Hannafore Looe Cornwall PL13 2DSRef. No: PA20/01641/PREAPP | Validated: Mon 20 Jul 2020
- Construction of garden room on raised platform above sloping gardenLamorna Darloe Lane West Looe PL13 2BGRef. No: PA20/05761 | Validated: Fri 10 Jul 2020
- Proposed alterations to front dormer and new rear dormer.Sandpipers Dawn Road Hannafore Looe Cornwall PL13 2DSRef. No: PA20/05715 | Validated: Tue 21 Jul 2020
- Extension to house to create annexe including raising of roof to create 1st floor accommodation21 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1EBRef. No: PA20/05754 | Validated: Fri 24 Jul 2020
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely cut back various branches on Conifer Trees to achieve a clearance of approx. 2 metre from the towerComms Mast Arquiva Site 13102 The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BBRef. No: PA20/05614 | Validated: Tue 07 Jul 2020
- Advertisement consent for fascia sign to shop with company name and logoPink Lemons Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ADRef. No: PA20/05611 | Validated: Tue 07 Jul 2020
- Extension and landscaping works.Highgrove Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LERef. No: PA20/05523 | Validated: Mon 06 Jul 2020
- Pre-application advice for proposed split level dwelling and parkingLand South Of 2 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SDRef. No: PA20/01378/PREAPP | Validated: Sun 12 Jul 2020
- Retrospective application for the erection of a wooden outbuilding which will be used as a storage shed and summer house and small decked area at front.89 Sunrising Looe Cornwall PL13 1NGRef. No: PA20/05059 | Validated: Wed 15 Jul 2020
- Remodel & Extension to existing property to include additional floor level.Peppers Portuan Road West Looe PL13 2DNRef. No: PA20/01050 | Validated: Fri 31 Jul 2020
- Planning applications validated during June 2020
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely fell thirty Cypress and one Ash treesStonebank Shutta East Looe PL13 1LXRef. No: PA20/05067 | Validated: Mon 22 Jun 2020
- Felling of Norway Spruce (NS)Shutta View Shutta East Looe PL13 1LURef. No: PA20/04887 | Validated: Tue 16 Jun 2020
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely fell row of six Leylandaii trees (G1)Mitchells Cottage Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LTRef. No: PA20/04890 | Validated: Mon 15 Jun 2020
- Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use as a fish and chip shop, restaurant and takeaway, ice cream and ancillary accommodation on first floorKellys Of Looe Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DTRef. No: PA20/04918 | Validated: Fri 12 Jun 2020
- Application for planning permission for the proposed reconstruction of existing garage.Rockpools Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DNRef. No: PA20/04722 | Validated: Fri 19 Jun 2020
- Planning applications validated during May 2020
- External staircase to the first floor flat and new front entrance.Flat 2 13 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1EBRef. No: PA20/03197 | Validated: Wed 27 May 2020
- Construction of single storey extension and conversion of existing garage to form one bedroom residential annexe.Greystones Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EURef. No: PA20/03831 | Validated: Wed 27 May 2020
- APPEAL: Outline planning permission for the construction of a dormer bungalow with all matters reserved.Land West Of St Anthonys Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HJMHCLG Planning Inspectorate ref: APP/D0840/W/20/3248305Start Date 15 May 2020 | Status: Appeal Dismissed | 14th July 2020
- Planning applications validated during April 2020
- Proposed replacement and raising of garage roof with decking over and new taller garage doors8 Barn Meadow Park West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HURef. No: PA20/03611 | Validated: Wed 29 Apr 2020
- Variation of condition 3 of decision E2/93/00130/F dated 17th June 1993 Erection of single storey dwelling with integral garage. Installation of septic tank and construction of new vehicular/pedestrian access to highway.Drogheda Portlooe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HZRef. No: PA20/03530 | Validated: Mon 27 Apr 2020
- Proposed re-roofing of sun room with flat roof to create balcony over, together with alteration to window to allow for french doors and creation of new window to south elevationPolgray Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1LYRef. No: PA20/03207 | Validated: Tue 14 Apr 2020
- Replacement of external windows and doors, replacement of external cladding and roof tiles and reconstruction of porchQuay Cottage Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AQRef. No: PA20/03077 | Validated: Fri 17 Apr 2020
- Change of use of smoking shelter to reception area. (Resubmission of withdrawn application no. PA19/09828).Sawyers Bed And Breakfast Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DQRef. No: PA20/02981 | Validated: Fri 03 Apr 2020
- Alterations to access ramp to houseTrevithick Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HWRef. No: PA20/03016 | Validated: Tue 21 Apr 2020
- Extension to form store to retail shop with roof terrace over to first floor apartmentRhapsody Higher Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BWRef. No: PA20/02747 | Validated: Tue 14 Apr 2020
- Conversion of barn to dwellingThe Bull Ring Portlooe Barton Farm West Looe Hill West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA20/02705 | Validated: Tue 07 Apr 2020
- Application for planning permission to reconstruct collapsed retaining wall.Retaining Wall At Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DTRef. No: PA20/02408 | Validated: Thu 02 Apr 2020
- Planning applications validated during March 2020
- Pre application advice for change of use from Bed and Breakfast to flatsThe Beach House Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DHRef. No: PA20/00620/PREAPP | Validated: Tue 31 Mar 2020
- Works to trees in a conservation area - fell row of conifer trees5 Barn Meadow Park West Looe PL13 2HURef. No: PA20/02390 | Validated: Sun 15 Mar 2020
- Application for consent to fell Cypress (Conifer) tree within Conservation Area.Brambles Shutta East Looe PL13 1LXRef. No: PA20/02126 | Validated: Sun 08 Mar 2020
- Two storey extension to existing semi-detached property.9 Limmicks Road St Martin Looe PL13 1PURef. No: PA20/01764 | Validated: Thu 12 Mar 2020
- Conversion of two properties into one, together with extension, decking and summer house.Harbour Heights The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BARef. No: PA20/01714 | Validated: Thu 19 Mar 2020
- Single Storey extension to rear of dwelling.Peri Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LYRef. No: PA20/01715 | Validated: Mon 16 Mar 2020
- Discharge of Condition 6 (Contamination Verification Report) in respect of PA16/12140 (Demolition of existing garage block and construction of 3 houses and 2 flats with parking)Former Garage Site West Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2ASRef. No: PA20/01597 | Validated: Tue 03 Mar 2020
- Application for dormer extension to west elevation.6 Elm Tree Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HYRef. No: PA20/01656 | Validated: Mon 09 Mar 2020
- Planning applications and appeals February 2020
- 20% reduction leaving cuts no greater than 30mm diameter to Elm tree within Conservation Area.Joslyn Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1HWRef. No: PA20/01637 | Validated: Sun 23 Feb 2020
- Discharge of Conditions 4 (New railings to the perimeter of the garage roof) and 5 (New wall and gate post extensions on the perimeter of the garage roof) in respect of PA18/04316 (Listed Building Consent for new railings to the perimeter of the garage roof, new rooflights to kitchen and study along with roof insulation and other internal works).Darloe Fore Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HARef. No: PA20/01317 | Validated: Wed 12 Feb 2020
- Construction of stainless steel and glass balustrade on part of existing roof6 St Winnolls Park East Looe PL13 1DGRef. No: PA20/01152 | Validated: Thu 27 Feb 2020
- Extension to house and creation of a mezzanine floor over garage within the property.30 Springfield Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HBRef. No: PA20/00630 | Validated: Mon 10 Feb 2020
- First floor extension.Clare Maris Meadway East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JTRef. No: PA19/10729 | Validated: Wed 19 Feb 2020
4 Dwellings on Land Off Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1BH
Demolition of derelict outbuilding and redevelopment of the site to provide four dwellings, access, parking, landscaping, gardens / courtyards and associated infrastructure.Start Date: 11 February 2020 | Status: Appeal In Progress
- Planning applications validated during January 2020
- Submission of details to discharge condition 6 in respect of Decision Notice PA19/08390 dated 18th November 2019The Linhay Plaidy Lane East Looe PL13 1LFRef. No: PA20/00815 | Validated: Thu 30 Jan 2020
- Replace the windows, like for like, on the extension to the Guildhall.East Looe Town Trust The Guildhall Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AARef. No: PA20/00753 | Validated: Wed 29 Jan 2020
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely section fell to ground level Yew tree (T1)The Golden Guinea Restaurant Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ADRef. No: PA20/00604 | Validated: Wed 22 Jan 2020
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely coppice overgrown Holm Oak and Sycamore on a bank above Station Road (between points A and B) to prevent the trees becoming over sized and falling onto trafficCulmore Coach House Station Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LSRef. No: PA20/00133 | Validated: Wed 08 Jan 2020
- Single story rear extension with raised patio area plus dormer extension, Juliet balcony and installation of log burner flue.Spindrift Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HDRef. No: PA19/11133 | Validated: Mon 06 Jan 2020
- Replace Juliet balcony with full size balcony and change two sliding patio doors to three panel bi-fold doorsThe Cottage Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BYRef. No: PA19/10927 | Validated: Wed 15 Jan 2020
- Extension to house21 Churchlands St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1NRRef. No: PA19/10687 | Validated: Tue 21 Jan 2020
- Listed Building Consent to replace the windows, like for like, on the extension to the Guildhall.East Looe Town Trust The Guildhall Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AARef. No: PA19/09779 | Validated: Fri 24 Jan 2020
- Planning applications validated during December 2019
- Proposed demolition of side porch and construction of new extension together with alterations including enclosure of existing front porch8 Barn Meadow Park West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HURef. No: PA19/10817 | Validated: Mon 23 Dec 2019
- Proposed extension at first floor to residential apartmentFlat 2 The Lodge Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DHRef. No: PA19/10120 | Validated: Thu 19 Dec 2019
- On boundary rear of property adjoining Pine Ridge - adjacent drive. Multi stem Lelyandi to be felled to ground level. Tree causing excessive shading and encroaching into mature Oak Tree and Handkerchief treeApple Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HWRef. No: PA19/10849 | Validated: Wed 11 Dec 2019
- Installation of a lift for external access to the hotel reception.Hannafore Point Hotel Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DGRef. No: PA19/10838 | Validated: Mon 09 Dec 2019
- Proposed two number replacement apartments.Veronica Sandplace Road St Martin Cornwall PL13 1LRRef. No: PA19/10598 | Validated: Thu 05 Dec 2019
- Conversion of garage to annexe of the flat for family member1 The Lodge Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DHRef. No: PA19/10745 | Validated: Thu 19 Dec 2019
- Pollard Holm Oak Tree to 6 metresThe Beach House Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DHRef. No: PA19/10578 | Validated: Tue 03 Dec 2019
- Pre application advice for the construction of 9 dwellings (3 x affordable units for sale, 3 x affordable units for rent and 3 x open market dwellings) together with an extension to Tregarrick Road and open amenity spaceLand And Buildings On The South Side Of Polperro Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/03162/PREAPP | Validated: Fri 13 Dec 2019
- Outline application for construction of a dwelling with off-road parking with all matters reserved (resubmission of PA15/02023 dated 23rd April 2015)Land Adjacent Rock Ledge Dawn Road Hannafore CornwallRef. No: PA19/10307 | Validated: Thu 19 Dec 2019
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA17/07423 dated 7th December 2017Flat 6 Barracuda Flats Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA19/10246 | Validated: Mon 09 Dec 2019
- Change of use of smoking shelter to reception and bar area.Sawyers Bed And Breakfast Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DQRef. No: PA19/09828 | Validated: Tue 10 Dec 2019
- Planning applications validated during November 2019
- Retrospective application for the retaining and balustrade walls to the existing car parking bay.5 Higher Beech Terrace West Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AXRef. No: PA19/10079 | Validated: Fri 22 Nov 2019
- Raise the roof of first floor extension previously approved under PA16/11591 and reconstruct entrance porch on west elevation with balcony over59 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1EDRef. No: PA19/09693 | Validated: Tue 19 Nov 2019
- New access pontoon and associated landscape works. (Parish of Polperro and Lansallos)Land North Of Kilminorth Woods The Millpool West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/09495 | Validated: Thu 14 Nov 2019. Refused 09 Jan 2020
- Planning applications validated during October 2019
- Proposed extension and alterations.Trebant Darloe Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BGRef. No: PA19/09123 | Validated: Wed 23 Oct 2019
- Construction of new dormer window replacing a roof light on North West Elevation and installing pitched roof over existing flat roof dormer on the same elevationTrabena Chapel Ground West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BJRef. No: PA19/09093 | Validated: Fri 25 Oct 2019
- Pre application advice for dismantling and reconstruction of sections of the wall and vegetation clearancesClifton Place Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HWRef. No: PA19/02735/PREAPP | Validated: Mon 14 Oct 2019
- Installation of balconies to rear elevation.Trevose Downs View West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HDRef. No: PA19/08896 | Validated: Thu 10 Oct 2019
- Works to fell three large mature ash trees (T1 to T3) to ground level covered by a Tree Preservation OrderGradna Plaidy Lane East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LFRef. No: PA19/08834 | Validated: Tue 08 Oct 2019
- Replacement of four widows in the flatFlat 2 Palfreys Bakery Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ADRef. No: PA19/08831 | Validated: Tue 29 Oct 2019
- Proposed installation of a decked area and balustrade.Mizzen Top Darloe Lane West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BGRef. No: PA19/08561 | Validated: Wed 16 Oct 2019
- Construction of a dwelling houseLand North East Of The Linhay Plaidy Lane East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/08572 | Validated: Thu 10 Oct 2019
- Listed Building Consent for replacement of the rear door and two rear windows with the same size, shape, styles and colours in a composite wood materialPenbrea West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HJRef. No: PA19/07650 | Validated: Wed 02 Oct 2019
- Planning applications validated during September 2019
- Proposed Construction of 2 Apartments ( Demolition of Existing Sub-standard Dwelling) Resubmission of now Lapsed Approval PA13/04830 with variation of condition 2 of decision PA17/11389 dated 14th September 2018The Linhay Plaidy Lane East Looe PL13 1LFRef. No: PA19/08390 | Validated: Wed 25 Sep 2019
- Construction of 1 storey garden room. Construction of 2 storey dining/family room and bedroom with balcony extension. Internal reconfigurations. Construction of car port. Over-rendering upper existing elevations.Greystones Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EURef. No: PA19/08423 | Validated: Fri 20 Sep 2019
- Regularisation of use of balcony. Revised design to submission PA19/04742 withdrawn on 16th September 2019Trevanion Sandplace Road St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1LRRef. No: PA19/08229 | Validated: Thu 19 Sep 2019
- Side extension to provide kitchen/diner space in place of greenhouse and patio.Weather Vane Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe PL13 2HPRef. No: PA19/08008 | Validated: Fri 27 Sep 2019
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 8, 9 and 10 in respect of Decision Notice PA18/09595 dated 13th December 2018Land Adjacent To Goonwartha Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/08020 | Validated: Fri 20 Sep 2019
- Demolition of derelict outbuilding and redevelopment of the site to provide four dwellings, access, parking, landscaping, gardens / courtyards and associated infrastructure.Land Off Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1BHRef. No: PA19/07490 | Validated: Wed 04 Sep 2019
- External alterations to house to include replacement conservatory to SW elevation and balcony on NE elevation.64 Portbyhan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2QNRef. No: PA19/07319 | Validated: Tue 03 Sep 2019
- Non material amendment for replacement of the metal roller shutter door on the east elevation with a pair of timber framed doors and clerestory window (Application number PA19/03642 dated 7th August 2019 relates)3 Buller Quay Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DXRef. No: PA19/07250 | Validated: Tue 17 Sep 2019
- Alterations to dwellingTrehaven Cottage East Cliff East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DERef. No: PA19/06908 | Validated: Tue 03 Sep 2019
- Planning applications validated during August 2019
- Extensions and improvements to dwelling.
Southerly Breeze Pendower Road Looe PL13 1LDRef. No: PA19/07453 | Validated: Wed 28 Aug 2019 - Alterations to existing timber shopfrontPalfreys Bakery Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ADRef. No: PA19/07302 | Validated: Tue 20 Aug 2019
- Fell a Horse Chestnut tree and a Mountain Ash.Shutta Lodge Shutta East Looe PL13 1LXRef. No: PA19/07245 | Validated: Sun 18 Aug 2019
- Proposed three number replacement apartments.Veronica Sandplace Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LRRef. No: PA19/07091 | Validated: Tue 13 Aug 2019
- Regrading of part of rear garden, provision of Garden room to house home GymPeppers Portuan Road West Looe PL13 2DNRef. No: PA19/06623 | Validated: Thu 15 Aug 2019
- Replacement of front of porch from UPVC with a glazed UPVC door to hardwood joinery and up to date double glazing.Rose Cottage Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DURef. No: PA19/06583 | Validated: Fri 16 Aug 2019
- Alterations to window and door. Installation of rooflights.Quayside Cottage Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1APRef. No: PA19/06087 | Validated: Fri 02 Aug 2019
- Planning applications validated during July 2019
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3,8,9 and 10 in respect of Decision Notice PA18/09595 dated 13th December 2018Land Adjacent To Goonwartha Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/06573 | Validated: Tue 30 Jul 2019
- Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a replacement dwelling.Little Fieldhead Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DRRef. No: PA19/06305 | Validated: Mon 22 Jul 2019
- Very tall Larch fir tree approx 50ft in height. Fell the tree down to ground level.Adastra Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1DZRef. No: PA19/06272 | Validated: Fri 19 Jul 2019
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 of Decision Notice PA17/10283 dated 26th April 2018Plot 85 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SDRef. No: PA19/06224 | Validated: Mon 22 Jul 2019
- Construction of dwellingLand North Of Kilhallon Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA19/06020 | Validated: Thu 25 Jul 2019
- Extension and alterations. Single storey extension to the rear with terrace roofed area.Shenton Meadway East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JTRef. No: PA19/05913 | Validated: Wed 17 Jul 2019
- Removal of existing portable sales building (110sqm) and replacement with new portable sales cabin (180sqm). Replacement of existing canvas warehouse roof with new.Jewsons Polean Trading Estate The Millpool West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HRRef. No: PA19/05700 | Validated: Thu 18 Jul 2019
- Advertisement consent for 4 new non-illuminated signs3 Buller Quay Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DXRef. No: PA19/05379 | Validated: Mon 15 Jul 2019
- Notification for Prior Approval for larger home extension - demolition of half shed and construction of roofed conservatory.75 Sunrising Looe Cornwall PL13 1NERef. No: PA19/05203 | Validated: Wed 03 Jul 2019
- Planning applications validated during June 2019
- Non material amendment for the reduction of stone on plots 111 and 114 (Application number PA14/10838 dated 13th April 2017 relates)Land Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/05261 | Validated: Wed 19 Jun 2019
- Extension and loft conversion.Beechcroft 6 West Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2ASRef. No: PA19/05210 | Validated: Fri 28 Jun 2019
- Rear access extension, front balcony, adjustment to rear parking area, front porch re-development and internal alterations without compliance with condition 2 of application no. PA18/11490 dated 30/01/19.Jesmond Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DERef. No: PA19/04997 | Validated: Thu 27 Jun 2019
- Retention of balcony.Trevanion Sandplace Road St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1LRRef. No: PA19/04742 | Validated: Tue 11 Jun 2019
- Enlargement of existing dormer offering access to a new balcony with fire escape facility.6 Buller Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ASRef. No: PA19/04646 | Validated: Mon 10 Jun 2019
- Change of use of part ground floor from B1/B2 Business/General Industrial to A1 Retail. Addition of Mezzanine. Replacement of UPVC Doors with oak framed doors and addition of 4 new non-illuminated signs3 Buller Quay East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DXRef. No: PA19/03642 | Validated: Fri 14 Jun 2019
- Planning applications validated during May 2019
- That authority is granted to replace the mortgagee protection provisions in the existing s106 agreements with our latest terms51, 91-97(odds) Kimlers Way St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1PSRef. No: PA19/04663 | Validated: Fri 31 May 2019
- Proposed alterations to flat to create new rear entrance with walkway and replacement windows3 Trelawney Terrace, Iona - Flat 2 Polperro Road West Looe PL13 2AGRef. No: PA19/04103 | Validated: Thu 23 May 2019
- Non material amendment to the rear access porch and window added to side elevation (application number PA18/11490 dated 30 January 2019 relates)Jesmond Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DERef. No: PA19/04100 | Validated: Tue 14 May 2019
- Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in respect of decision notice PA17/02736 dated 7th June 2017Regent House Princes Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2ERRef. No: PA19/04048 | Validated: Mon 13 May 2019
- Construction of a house.Land To Rear Of 6 Goonwartha Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2PJRef. No: PA19/04068 | Validated: Mon 13 May 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely fell a dead Cornish palm tree in the front garden.St Budeaux Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DNRef. No: PA19/04009 | Validated: Fri 10 May 2019
- Advertisement consent for non illuminated fascia signPalfreys Bakery Fore Street East Looe PL13 1ADRef. No: PA19/03959 | Validated: Thu 09 May 2019
- Conversion and alterations of garage/office to provide additional living accommodation.Pebbles 24A Sunrising Looe PL13 1NBRef. No: PA19/03660 | Validated: Fri 10 May 2019
- Listed Building Consent for the replacement roof and dormer cladding with possible replacement of structural timber following further investigation and inspection with variation of condition 3 of decision notice PA17/06024 dated 12/09/2017 to allow amendment of the slates to be usedBuller House The Quay East Looe Cornwall PL13 1ALRef. No: PA19/03595 | Validated: Mon 20 May 2019
- Install decking with a surrounding glass balustrade with gravel outside of the decking9 Island Court Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DQRef. No: PA19/03255 | Validated: Fri 10 May 2019
- Planning applications validated during April 2019
- Redevelopment of existing library to incorporate Looe Town Council offices.Looe Library And One Stop Shop The Millpool West Looe PL13 2AFRef. No: PA19/03060 | Validated: Tue 23 Apr 2019
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 5 and 7 in respect of decision notice PA18/06667Land Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/02908 | Validated: Mon 08 Apr 2019
- Works to Trees within a Conservation Area namely Oak T1 - Fell due to poor for and growing precariously towards building and wall edge, Group 1 - Various shrubbery to cut back from wall edge due to overhang and building proximity1 Russell Court Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1BHRef. No: PA19/02883 | Validated: Wed 03 Apr 2019
- Construction of dwelling and concrete facing wall. Amended Scheme to PA13/06024.Atlantis The Millpool West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/02329 | Validated: Tue 16 Apr 2019
- Replacement of vertical sliding sash windows with UPVC wood grain effect vertical sliding sash windows and replacement of front door with Composite GRP wood grain effect doorMorvah Lower Chapel Street East Looe PL13 1ATRef. No: PA19/02116 | Validated: Tue 09 Apr 2019
- Planning applications validated during March 2019
- Outline planning permission for the construction of a dormer bungalow with all matters reserved.Land West Of St Anthonys Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HJRef. No: PA19/02448 | Validated: Fri 22 Mar 2019
- Works to crown height reduce by 3m to leave a maximum crown height of 5m retained and crown spread reduce (South aspect only) back to boundary line, Dutch Elm and Ash trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order18 Restormel Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EJRef. No: PA19/02153 | Validated: Mon 11 Mar 2019
- Extensions to house and alterations to ramp to create car parking space.Trevithick Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HWRef. No: PA19/01991 | Validated: Mon 18 Mar 2019
- Demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a replacement dwelling.The Haven Plaidy Lane East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LFRef. No: PA19/01740 | Validated: Tue 26 Mar 2019
- Change of use of agricultural building to include plant sales area and associated worksLand North Of Windermere House St Martins Road St Martin CornwallRef. No: PA19/01527 | Validated: Wed 06 Mar 2019
- Formation of pedestrian access.Wood View Pendrim Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HXRef. No: PA19/01510 | Validated: Tue 26 Mar 2019
- Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for Existing Use as works have commenced on excavation for foundation, floor construction, foul drainage and timber frame.The Bull Ring Portlooe Barton Farm West Looe Hill West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/01103 | Validated: Mon 11 Mar 2019
- Construction of dwellingLand North Of Kilhallon Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA19/01580 | Validated: Mon 04 Mar 2019 | Status: Withdrawn
- Planning applications validated during February 2019
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely fell ash treeTrenoweth Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1BGRef. No: PA19/01394 | Validated: Fri 15 Feb 2019
- Redevelopment of bungalow to a two storey dwelling and construction of a detached garage.Lowenna Portlooe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HZRef. No: PA19/01333 | Validated: Mon 25 Feb 2019
- Construction of two storey extension with balcony and one storey self contained annexe.Greystones Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EURef. No: PA19/01383 | Validated: Thu 21 Feb 2019
- Application for a non material amendment for small changes to some external materials to plots 115, 116, 177, 178, 179, 180 and 181 of application no. PA14/10838 dated 13/04/17Land Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/01057 | Validated: Tue 05 Feb 2019
- Ground Floor Annexe Extension, 2 Storey Extension, First Floor Extension, Roof Dormers, Balconies, Demolition of garage and garage extension and new parking areasBoulders Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JPRef. No: PA19/00917 | Validated: Mon 04 Feb 2019
- Canopy to the entrance of the retail shop.Quayside Fresh 2A Buller Quay Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DXRef. No: PA19/00531 | Validated: Tue 12 Feb 2019
- Construction of replacement dwelling with variation of condition 2 of Decision Notice PA17/07578 dated 31st October 2017 to allow changes to the approved plansShirley Plaidy Lane East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LFRef. No: PA18/11720 | Validated: Fri 01 Feb 2019
- Planning applications validated during January 2019
- Proposed front and rear extensions and a new double garage with variation of condition 2 of application no. PA17/09322 dated 18/12/2017 to allow alterations to site layout and elevations.Saltaire Plaidy Park Road Looe PL13 1LGRef. No: PA19/00872 | Validated: Thu 31 Jan 2019
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely fell ash (T1), willow (T2) and three hazels (G1)Pentylys West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HERef. No: PA19/00873 | Validated: Thu 31 Jan 2019
- Submission of details to discharge Conditions 6 and 8 of Decision Notice PA18/06667 dated 4th December 2019Land Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/00696 | Validated: Mon 28 Jan 2019
- Extension to side of the property19 St Winnolls Park East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DGRef. No: PA19/00556 | Validated: Wed 30 Jan 2019
- Submission of details to discharge condition 5 in respect of decision notice PA16/12140Former Garage Site West Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA19/00356 | Validated: Wed 16 Jan 2019
- Erection of replacement dwelling, construction of parking spaces and associated worksLittle Westwood Bridgend North Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EDRef. No: PA19/00244 | Validated: Fri 18 Jan 2019
- Construction of a house.Land To Rear Of 6 Goonwartha Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2PJRef. No: PA18/11767 | Validated: Fri 25 Jan 2019
- Change of use from solicitor's office to dog grooming salon.Enterprise House Higher Market Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BNRef. No: PA18/11766 | Validated: Thu 03 Jan 2019
- Prior notification of demolition of single storey rendered single skin block work with a corrugated sheet roof, in part timber frame and flat roof single storey.Sonia's Cafe Millpool Car Park The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AFRef. No: PA18/11805 | Validated: Tue 08 Jan 2019
- Planning applications validated during December 2018
- Construction of man cave.4 Penarth West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2QWRef. No: PA18/11910 | Validated: Wed 19 Dec 2018
- Preapplication enquiry for the replacement of existing wooden windows on the frontline, roadside of the house, with same style sash in Heritage Grade UPVC double glazed windows.4 Portbigham Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BURef. No: PA18/03388/PREAPP | Validated: Mon 17 Dec 2018
- New replacement dwelling (revision of approved proposal PA17/10239)Beach Villa Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LGRef. No: PA18/11586 | Validated: Mon 10 Dec 2018
- Rear access extension, front balcony, adjustment to rear parking area, front porch re-development and internal alterations.Jesmond Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DERef. No: PA18/11490 | Validated: Wed 05 Dec 2018
- Submission of details to discharge condition number 4 in respect of decision notice PA18/04016 dated 27th July 2018Penlee House Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA18/11329 | Validated: Fri 21 Dec 2018
- Pre application advice for construction of dwelling.Kilhallon Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA18/03220/PREAPP | Validated: Mon 17 Dec 2018
- Listed building consent to replace 2 wooden single glazed windows at the rear of the property wood effect UPVC double glazed windowsGulls Cottage West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HJRef. No: PA18/11102 | Validated: Wed 19 Dec 2018
- Planning applications validated during November 2018
- Works to remove Dutch Elm and Ash trees covered by a Tree Preservation OrderLand To The Rear Of 18 Restormel Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EJRef. No: PA18/11451 | Validated: Fri 30 Nov 2018
- Submission of details to discharge condition 2 in respect of Decision Notice PA18/06518 dated 21st September 2018Harbourside, Flat 11 Hannafore Road West Looe PL13 2DDRef. No: PA18/11260 | Validated: Thu 29 Nov 2018
- Submission of details to discharge condition 5 of application no. PA17/09322 dated 18/12/17Saltaire Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LGRef. No: PA18/11051 | Validated: Fri 30 Nov 2018
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 4, 5, 8 and 10 in respect of decision notice PA16/12140Former Garage Site West Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/11044 | Validated: Thu 22 Nov 2018
- Remove existing ATM on internal lobby and install steel plate over opening. Remove all cameras and walls made good to match existing. All existing Barclays signage to be removed and walls made good to match existing.Barclays Bank Plc Fore Street East Looe PL13 1DLRef. No: PA18/10741 | Validated: Tue 13 Nov 2018
- Extension to flat by additional fooms in raised roof. Dormer to rear elevation. (Revised design to application no. PA17/11804 dated 03.02.18).Genista Downs View West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HBRef. No: PA18/10541 | Validated: Wed 07 Nov 2018
- Rebuilding and enlargement of outside utility room with improvements to kitchen, provision of new wc and improved safer stepped access from Hannafore LaneAlbany 2 Whiteburn Terrace Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DBRef. No: PA18/10323 | Validated: Thu 01 Nov 2018
- Provision of Parking bay to front of dwelling.Rosebank Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DWRef. No: PA18/10316 | Validated: Thu 01 Nov 2018
- Installation of doors from bedroom onto a new outside deckMizzen Top Darloe Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BGRef. No: PA18/10268 | Validated: Tue 13 Nov 2018
- Erection of replacement dwelling destroyed by fire.The Spinney Millendreath Looe Cornwall PL13 1NYRef. No: PA18/08859 | Validated: Fri 09 Nov 2018
- Planning applications validated during October 2018
- Single storey extension to detached garage to form private gym with shower room, toilet and storageStallance The Crescent West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DLRef. No: PA18/10339 | Validated: Tue 30 Oct 2018
- Proposed residential development consisting of 5 new houses and associated infrastructureLand Adjacent To Goonwartha Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/09595 | Validated: Thu 25 Oct 2018
- Replacement club house following fire damage to existing club houseLooe Rifle And Pistol Club Polean Trading Estate The Millpool West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HRRef. No: PA18/09247 | Validated: Tue 02 Oct 2018
- Widening of entrance drive.Four Winds Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JNRef. No: PA18/09050 | Validated: Thu 11 Oct 2018
- Pre application advice to demolish current 4 bed detached single property and rebuild 4/5 bedroomed detached 2/3 storey property.Howl Ughel The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BERef. No: PA18/02584/PREAPP | Validated: Wed 03 Oct 2018
- Listed building consent to place a post to hold a defibrillator in front of the building.Old Guildhall Museum And Goal Higher Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BWRef. No: PA18/08953 | Validated: Wed 24 Oct 2018
- Extension to the clubroom to incorporate a disabled access extension for the replacement of toilets including the disabled toilet, changing rooms and kitchen.Looe Bowling Club Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DNRef. No: PA18/08481 | Validated: Wed 03 Oct 2018
- Planning applications validated during September 2018
- Replacement of shopfront doors and windows and associated works. Cornish Bakehouse Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ADRef. No: PA18/09034 | Validated: Mon 24 Sep 2018
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA18/06024 dated 12th September 2017Buller House The Quay East Looe Cornwall PL13 1ALRef. No: PA18/08851 | Validated: Fri 21 Sep 2018
- Installation of spray concrete skate park.Land East Of St Martins Church Hall Church Lane St Martin Cornwall PL13 1NXRef. No: PA18/08811 | Validated: Wed 26 Sep 2018
- Proposed renovations to existing dwelling and formation of dormers to the existing room in the roof and double garage (revised designs to previously approved plans PA18/02608Wenna Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DWRef. No: PA18/08391 | Validated: Mon 10 Sep 2018
- Renovation of existing bungalow to include removal of section of roof to build partial second storey and addition of new dormer.Tresco Plaidy Park Road Looe PL13 1LERef. No: PA18/08189 | Validated: Mon 03 Sep 2018
- Advertisement consent for illuminated cross and new noticeboardRiverside United Church Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BURef. No: PA18/08095 | Validated: Thu 20 Sep 2018
- Pre-application advice for eco house incorporating solar PV electrical panels, water storage, electrical battery powering, ground and air source heating and coolingPeppers Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DNRef. No: PA18/02329/PREAPP | Validated: Tue 04 Sep 2018
- Replacement of windows and doors in flats (15-18) & (27-30) at Barbican Court with UPVC Rosewood.Barbican Court Barbican Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1NTRef. No: PA18/08023 | Validated: Wed 19 Sep 2018
- Planning applications validated during August 2018
- Works to trees in conservation area, namely removal of two trees (type unknown) due to die back and subsequent deterioration and decay of trees. Replacement of one of the trees with hardier species of pink flowering Hawthorn following arborist advice.Car Park Buller Quay Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ASRef. No: PA18/07383 | Validated: Wed 22 Aug 2018
- Conversion of part first floor and existing attic space and external alterations to provide self contained flat, including external access stairs and amenity space. Removal of chimney.St Budeaux Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DNRef. No: PA18/07373 | Validated: Wed 22 Aug 2018
- Non material amendment for increase of the window area to the east elevation, providing more light to the loft master bedroom (Application number PA18/04044 dated 12 June 2018 relates)The Pines West Looe Hill West Looe PL13 2HPRef. No: PA18/07206 | Validated: Thu 09 Aug 2018
- Planning applications validated during July 2018
- Replace existing painted softwood French Doors with same dimensions and profile and colour - but in aluminium.Flat 11 Harbourside Hannafore Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DDRef. No: PA18/06518 | Validated: Fri 27 Jul 2018
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 5 in respect of decision notice PA16/12142Land Rear Of 1 To 6 Downs Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/07055 | Validated: Fri 27 Jul 2018
- Pre-application advice for the demolition of rear store at first floor and remove the roof off the baker area, excavate the ground floor level to the rear to make a level improved retail unit for ground floor. Rebuilding of store with extension to form a 3 bedroomed residential unit with roof terrace.Palfreys Bakery Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ADRef. No: PA18/01986/PREAPP | Validated: Mon 30 Jul 2018
- Extensions and alterations to existing bungalow (Resubmission of application no. PA18/01687 withdrawn on 16/04/18.)Lambourne Listowel Drive East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LBRef. No: PA18/06717 | Validated: Wed 18 Jul 2018
- Relocation of plots 179 - 181 (inclusive) to allow repositioning of soakway as an alternative to that approved under application PA14/10838.Land At Pendrumm Fields, St Martins Phase 2 St Martins Road Looe PL13 1FJRef. No: PA18/06667 | Validated: Wed 18 Jul 2018
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA17/03585 dated 29th June 2017Flat 8 Barracuda Flats Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA18/06551 | Validated: Fri 13 Jul 2018
- Submission of details to discharge condition 6 (construction method statement) in respect of Decision Notice PA16/12142 dated 27th March 2017Downs Car Park To Rear Of 1 To 6 Downs Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/06493 | Validated: Thu 12 Jul 2018
- Construction of a car parking bay and a disabled person's access.Seamor Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HWRef. No: PA18/06355 | Validated: Wed 18 Jul 2018
- Change of use of first floor restaurant seating area to flat.Mama J's Italian Higher Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BSRef. No: PA18/06359 | Validated: Mon 09 Jul 2018 | Status: Awaiting decision
- Construction of dwelling with associated works.Land West Of Pendrim Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/06354 | Validated: Thu 05 Jul 2018
- Pre-Application advice for construction of new dwelling on vacant plot pedestrian access off Fore StreetLand West Of Mizzen Cottage Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BQRef. No: PA18/01821/PREAPP | Validated: Thu 19 Jul 2018
- Non material amendment in relation to decision notice PA14/10838: Change of location/obscure glass for first floor windows for Apartment 2BFLand Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/06143 | Validated: Thu 05 Jul 2018
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely reduction of two elm tree crowns by a third, removing 4 metres to leave 5 metres from the ground.1 The Elms Elm Tree Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JBRef. No: PA18/06045 | Validated: Wed 04 Jul 2018
- Conversion of the central part of the loft into habitable space (a store-room and office).Seafield Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DNRef. No: PA18/06356 | Validated: Fri 13 Jul 2018
- Pre-application advice for construction of four farm holiday chaletsLand North Of Windermere House St Martins Road St Martin CornwallRef. No: PA18/01279/PREAPP | Validated: Wed 04 Jul 2018
- Planning applications validated during June 2018
- Non material amendment for replacement of window which has deteriorated beyond repair, with sash similar to the others (Application number PA18/01767 dated 20th April 2018 relates)Flat 9 Barracuda Flats Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA18/05887 | Validated: Fri 29 Jun 2018
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3 (archaeology - written scheme of investigation) and 4 (door construction details) of decision notice PA17/09882A E Raddy & Sons Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AERef. No: PA18/05822 | Validated: Wed 20 Jun 2018
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 (door construction details) of decision notice PA17/09881A E Raddy & Sons Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AERef. No: PA18/05820 | Validated: Wed 27 Jun 2018
- External alterations to West elevation.Adastra Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DZRef. No: PA18/05671 | Validated: Wed 27 Jun 2018
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely fell a pine treeValhella East Cliff East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DERef. No: PA18/05213 | Validated: Wed 20 Jun 2018
- Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed construction of a single storey side extension to the side elevation of the property.29 Bodrigan Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EHRef. No: PA18/05056 | Validated: Wed 06 Jun 2018
- Extensions and improvements to dwelling.Pine Trees Bay View Road East Looe PL13 1JPRef. No: PA18/04606 | Validated: Sun 17 Jun 2018
- The footpath is to be excavated and removed in its entirety then the slope is to be re-profiled to the top of the lower retaining wall below.Footpath Behind Looe Library And One Stop Shop The Millpool West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AFRef. No: PA18/04366 | Validated: Tue 05 Jun 2018
- Planning applications validated during May 2018
- Alterations to dwelling, namely to change the existing conservatory pitched glass roof to a flat roof terrace, to change the first floor living area window to bi-fold doors to access the roof and to erect an external stairway from the roof terrace down to the front garden
Mcmillen Lodge Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DHRef. No: PA18/04872 | Validated: Thu 24 May 2018 - Temporary wooden kiosk on the grassed area next to the boating lake. Land Adjoining Millpool Boating Lake West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/04678 | Validated: Tue 29 May 2018
- Outline consent for the building plot with all matters reserved.6 Goonwartha Road West Looe PL13 2PJRef. No: PA18/04638 | Validated: Fri 18 May 2018
- Extensions and improvements to dwelling.Pine Trees Bay View Road East Looe PL13 1JPRef. No: PA18/04606 | Validated: Sun 17 May 2018
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely removal of a semi mature sycamore tree in poor health.Wenna Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DWRef. No: PA18/04547 | Validated: Wed 16 May 2018
- New railings to the perimeter of the garage roof, new rooflights to kitchen and study along with roof insulation and other internal works.Darloe Fore Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HARef. No: PA18/04315 | Validated: Tue 08 May 2018
- Listed Building Consent for new railings to the perimeter of the garage roof, new rooflights to kitchen and study along with roof insulation and other internal works.Darloe Fore Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HARef. No: PA18/04316 | Validated: Tue 08 May 2018
- Construction of a ground floor extension to residents' rooms with associated works (Previously approved under application PA14/04295)Hillcrest House Nursing Home Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1NNRef. No: PA18/04227 | Validated: Tue 15 May 2018
- Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory. New windows to side of house at Ground Floor Level.Malindi Chantry Lane Looe PL13 1LFRef. No: PA18/04054 | Validated: Tue 01 May 2018
- Conversion of the existing loft through creation of a rear dormer to provide a master bedroom with bathroom and dressing room and office space.The Pines West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HPRef. No: PA18/04044 | Validated: Thu 10 May 2018
- Replacement of damaged failing retaining wall and installation of fall protection guarding. (Revised submission of application no. PA17/11750 dated 26.02.2018).Woodlands View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AWRef. No: PA18/04085 | Validated: Tue 01 May 2018
- Pre-application advice for replacement dwellingLowenna Portlooe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HZRef. No: PA18/01220/PREAPP | Validated: Tue 08 May 2018
- Retrospective planning for change of pavers to front of property and levelling of a front retaining wall which had been previously steppedElmbank Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HWRef. No: PA18/03963 | Validated: Wed 16 May 2018
- Planning applications validated during April 2018
- Proposed alterations including demolish the outhouse and extend the north east elevation first floor out over the ground floor.Penlee House Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA18/04016 | Validated: Mon 30 Apr 2018
- Alterations to the second floor dormers and construction of a car parking deck with self contained accommodation beneath.1A The Arches Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DERef. No: PA18/03776 | Validated: Fri 27 Apr 2018
- Proposed re-roofing.4 Lower Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ATRef. No: PA18/03556 | Validated: Wed 25 Apr 2018
- Erection of detached dwellingLand adjacent To Trevilder Plaidy Lane East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LFRef. No: PA18/03405 | Validated: Thu 12 Apr 2018
- Pre-application advice for affordable-led housing development comprising up to 50 dwellingsLand East off Bay Down East Looe Cornwall PL13 1NURef. No: PA18/01011/PREAPP | Validated: Thu 26 Apr 2018
- Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a replacement dwelling.The Haven Plaidy Lane East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LFRef. No: PA18/03300 | Validated: Sat 07 Apr 2018
- To replace current uPVC windows with new uPVC (Sash window design) windows. To also replace current wood frame french door on 2nd level with uPVC french door design.1 Sunnybank Barbican Hill East Looe Cornwall PL13 1BBRef. No: PA18/02832 | Validated: Tue 24 Apr 2018
- Non material amendment for cutting off the north east corner of the building to accommodate a sewer diversion (Application PA15/02655 dated 8th June 2015 relates)15 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SDRef. No: PA18/02347 | Validated: Thu 19 Apr 2018
- Replacement of UPVC Windows and Door to North East Elevation with Timber Windows and Door - in relation to EN17/00066 and PA17/02773Former Ambulance Station West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AERef. No: PA18/02044 | Validated: Tue 17 Apr 2018
- Install decking to the front of the property.3 Roycliffe West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HGRef. No: PA18/01378 | Validated: Wed 25 Apr 2018
- Planning applications validated during March 2018
- Non material amendment to square-off the corner of the decking area outside the lounge patio doors, increasing it by approx. 6 sq. metres (Application number PA17/11741 dated 8th February 2018 relates) 9 Bay Down East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1NURef. No: PA18/02923 | Validated: Mon 26 Mar 2018
- Submission of details to discharge condition 4 (scheme of landscaping) in respect of Decision Notice PA16/12142 dated 27th March 2017Land Rear Of 1 To 6 Downs Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/02952 | Validated: Mon 26 Mar 2018
- Retention of balcony as constructed on the east elevation Seabird Meadway East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JTRef. No: PA18/02810 | Validated: Fri 23 Mar 2018
- Proposed renovations to existing dwelling and formation of dormers to the existing room in the roof. Wenna Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DWRef. No: PA18/02608 | Validated: Fri 16 Mar 2018
- Construction of a detached dwelling within the rear garden (resubmission of refused application no PA17/03643 dated 17/10/2017) Land To Rear Of 32 St Georges Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1EBRef. No: PA18/02389 | Validated: Mon 12 Mar 2018
- Replacement of existing roof covering with natural slate roof. Replacement of front door to property. Westward Cottage Church Street West Looe PL13 2EXRef. No: PA18/02026 | Validated: Wed 07 Mar 2018
- Listed building consent for the replacement of existing roof covering with natural slate roof. Replacement of front door to property. Westward Cottage Church Street West Looe PL13 2EXRef. No: PA18/02027 | Validated: Wed 07 Mar 2018
- Replacement of two wooden sash windows like for like and a third window renovated and re-glazed Flat 9 Barracuda Flats Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1BJRef. No: PA18/01767 | Validated: Fri 16 Mar 2018
- Construction of one dwelling (revised design to PA16/02841)85 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SDRef. No: PA17/10283 | Validated: Wed 21 Mar 2018
- Planning applications validated during February 2018
- Works to trees in a conservation area, namely remove silver birch in front garden, due to proximity to houseShutta Lodge Shutta East Looe PL13 1LXRef. No: PA18/01889 | Validated: Sat 24 Feb 2018
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 4 and 7 in respect of Decision Notice PA14/12140 dated 25th February 2018The Old Sardine Factory Hannafore Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/01910 | Validated: Mon 26 Feb 2018
- The proposal is to extend the property to the West and East providing a first floor extension within the central section providing upside down living with bedrooms on the ground floor and living area on the first floor.Lambourne Listowel Drive East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LBRef. No: PA18/01687 | Validated: Wed 21 Feb 2018
- Variation of Condition 2 (in accordance with approved plans) in respect of Decision Notice PA17/10089 dated 20th December 2017Willow Green Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HBRef. No: PA18/01163 | Validated: Fri 02 Feb 2018
- Re-Modelling of flat and provision of an off-street parking space.Kentra Nailzee Point Marine Drive West Looe Cornwall PL13 2DFRef. No: PA18/01353 | Validated: Tue 13 Feb 2018
- Submission of details to discharge condition 5 in respect of Decision Notice PA17/00590 dated 9th March 2017Land At Shutta Hill Shutta East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA18/01099 | Validated: Thu 01 Feb 2018
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 4 and 5 in respect of Decision Notice PA16/06349 dated 19th August 2016Ladies Public Conveniences Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HHRef. No: PA18/00878 | Validated: Mon 12 Feb 2018
- Planning applications validated during January 2018
- Non material amendment for change of size of garage from 6500 x 4000 to 6700 x 3900 (Application number PA17/10041 dated 8th December 2017 relates)Kilmar Barbican Road East Looe PL13 1EXRef. No: PA18/00588 | Validated: Thu 18 Jan 2018
- Replacement windows and doors.Penmere Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HWRef. No: PA18/00442 | Validated: Tue 16 Jan 2018
- Construction of a second floor loft conversion. Construction of a first floor kitchen extension and associated alterations. New fire escape stair from the existing first floor balcony.Halcyon Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JPRef. No: PA18/00423 | Validated: Wed 17 Jan 2018
- Construction of new window with brick surround, timber folding doors in deepened window opening and steel balustrade to cantilevered balcony4 Pixies Holt Flats Buller Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ARRef. No: PA18/00391 | Validated: Wed 24 Jan 2018
- Erection of an Apex Metal Garage 3m x 6m (9' 10" x 19' 8"), supplied by Waltons Ltd. Colour to be Pale Eucalyptus.Colthewy House The Downs West Looe PL13 2BERef. No: PA18/00113 | Validated: Thu 11 Jan 2018
- Removal of a defective chimney stackSeagull Cottage 2 Buller Quay Quay Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AQRef. No: PA18/00050 | Validated: Fri 05 Jan 2018
- Proposed Extension14 Restormel Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EJRef. No: PA18/00022 | Validated: Tue 02 Jan 2018
- Conversion of part first floor, and existing attic (second) floor level to provide self contained annexe accommodation, including external access stairsSt Budeaux Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DNRef. No: PA17/12279 | Validated: Wed 10 Jan 2018
- Replacement club house following fire damage to existing club house.Polean Trading Estate The Millpool West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/12069 | Validated: Wed 03 Jan 2018
- Extension of dwelling to provide a meeting room/training room pursuant to equestrian business and construction equestrian building to provide additional stables, feed and tack room (revised proposal following application PA17/04216)Longpark Farm West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EARef. No: PA17/11860 | Validated: Tue 16 Jan 2018
- Replacement of damaged failing retaining walls and installation of fall protection guarding.Woodlands View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AWRef. No: PA17/11750 | Validated: Tue 02 Jan 2018
- To replace decking at side of lounge in rear garden approx. 4m x 3m at same height of approx. 1m, plus re-pave existing rear patio and create a walkway between the two, all adjacent to the house - for recreational use.9 Bay Down East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1NURef. No: PA17/11741 | Validated: Fri 05 Jan 2018
- Proposed Construction of 2 Apartments ( Demolition of Existing Sub-standard Dwelling ) Resubmission of now Lapsed Approval PA13/04830The Linhay Plaidy Lane East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LFRef. No: PA17/11389 | Validated: Fri 05 Jan 2018
- updated 31.12.17
Planning applications validated during December 2017 - To build a timber frame amenity building for Looe Football Club on the current site of the football clubBarbican Sports Field Barbican Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/12254 | Validated: Wed 27 Dec 2017
- Demotion of existing dwelling and construction of a replacement residential dwelling.The Haven Plaidy Lane East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LFRef. No: PA17/12081 | Validated: Fri 22 Dec 2017
- Non Material Amendment for the relocation of maintenance access to highway soakaway. (Application number PA14/10838 dated 13/04/17 relates)Land Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/11861 | Validated: Tue 12 Dec 2017
- Extension to buildingGenista Downs View West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HBRef. No: PA17/11804 | Validated: Fri 22 Dec 2017
- Proposed garage for camper van32 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1EBRef. No: PA17/11483 | Validated: Fri 08 Dec 2017
- Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of kitchen / diner with associated worksCoplestone Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HWRef. No: PA17/11329 | Validated: Mon 04 Dec 2017
- Pre application advice for the installation of a quality poured concrete skatepark on land adjacent to St Martins Chuch Hall for the benefit of the residents and visitorsSt Martins Church Hall Church Lane St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1NXRef. No: PA17/03249/PREAPP | Validated: Tue 12 Dec 2017
- Erection of replacement dwelling, construction of parking spaces and associated worksLittle Westwood Bridgend North Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EDRef. No: PA17/11130 | Validated: Wed 06 Dec 2017
- Installation of bathroom window to 2nd floor at rear of property (500mm x 800mm). Replacement garage door to front of property. Replacement front door.Trewin Cottage 1 Lower Chapel Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1ATRef. No: PA17/11009 | Validated: Mon 11 Dec 2017
- updated 30.11.17
Planning applications validated during November 2017 - Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely remove ivy, epicormic growth and dead wood: crown raise and thin.4 River View Polperro Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BWRef. No: PA17/11115 | Validated: Wed 22 Nov 2017
- Construction of a car portNewlyn Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BURef. No: PA17/10537 | Validated: Mon 06 Nov 2017
- Replacement of all external windows and doors.Glencairn 2 - 3 Station Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1HLRef. No: PA17/10524 | Validated: Tue 07 Nov 2017
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely for T1 oak tree, remove 5 of the lowest branches and for oak tree T2, reduce the branches by 50%.Dormy House The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BDRef. No: PA17/10059 | Validated: Thu 02 Nov 2017
- Demolition of condemned semi-detached house and reconstruction.Willow Green Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HBRef. No: PA17/10089 | Validated: Thu 02 Nov 2017
- Extension and alterations.29 Cleveland Avenue East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JURef. No: PA17/09949 | Validated: Mon 06 Nov 2017
- Formation of separate access to the first and second floor flat including conversion of the existing window to a door and the formation of a new entrance hall to separate the flat from the shop.A E Raddy & Sons Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AERef. No: PA17/09881 | Validated: Wed 01 Nov 2017
- updated 31.10.17
Planning applications validated during October 2017 - Building walls and roof over existing car parking spaces and using top of roof as a patio, Fitting Opaque screens and handrails .85 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SDRef. No: PA17/10283 | Validated: Tue 31 Oct 2017
- Removal of roof and existing lightweight single storey extensions, enlargement of footprint to cover area of existing extensions. Increase in first floor wall height and new replacement flat roof.Beach Villa Plaidy Park Road Looe PL13 1LGRef. No: PA17/10239 | Validated: Tue 31 Oct 2017
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA17/01674Squid Ink Restaurant Lower Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AURef. No: PA17/10064 | Validated: Mon 23 Oct 2017
- Demolition of existing garage and construction of replacement at rear of plot facing onto Courtenay Close. Installation of a roof window (velux type) on front elevation for proposed new en-suite shower room.Kilmar Barbican Road East Looe PL13 1EXRef. No: PA17/10041 | Validated: Sun 22 Oct 2017
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA14/12142 dated 25.02.2015The Old Sardine Factory Hannafore Road West Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/10028 | Validated: Fri 20 Oct 2017
- Conversion of ground floor to separate flat, enlargement of parking area together with internal and external alterationsRiverview House Downs View West Looe PL13 2HBRef. No: PA17/09910 | Validated: Wed 25 Oct 2017
- Listed building consent for formation of separate access to the first and second floor flat including conversion of the existing window to a door and the formation of a new entrance hall to separate the flat from the shop.A E Raddy & Sons Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AERef. No: PA17/09882 | Validated: Tue 17 Oct 2017
- 2 x semi-mature multi-stemmed Ash, T1 & T2 on map - fell due to unstable position, poor rooting environment, existing damage and degradation to stone faced terrace bank with clear potential for further future damage fully destabilising the bank creating a structural hazard and / or tree failure blocking access.Land West Of Pendrim Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/09832 | Validated: Mon 16 Oct 2017
- Conversion of garage to office, addition of porch with pitched roof over, creation of parking to the front garden22 Restormel Road East Looe PL13 1EJRef. No: PA17/09546 | Validated: Mon 09 Oct 2017
- Single Storey Side Extensions & Associated Works29 Bodrigan Road East Looe PL13 1EHRef. No: PA17/09553 | Validated: Mon 09 Oct 2017
- Construction of a car parking bay.The Gulls Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DERef. No: PA17/09588 | Validated: Tue 10 Oct 2017
- New side extension and alteration of the existing window to a door.8 Rame View East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DRRef. No: PA17/09470 | Validated: Wed 04 Oct 2017
- Additional off road parking area.Pentagon The Crescent West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DLRef. No: PA17/09542 | Validated: Fri 13 Oct 2017
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely fell the twin stemmed sycamore tree T1.4 River View Polperro Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BWRef. No: PA17/09414 | Validated: Wed 04 Oct 2017
- Proposed front and rear extensions and a new double garage.Saltaire Plaidy Park Road Looe PL13 1LGRef. No: PA17/09322 | Validated: Wed 04 Oct 2017
- Additional off road parking area.Inishmor Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DLRef. No: PA17/09370 | Validated: Mon 02 Oct 2017
- Replacement of 2 wrought iron Juliet balconies (none original) with 2 glass Juliet balconies and replacement of windows with double glazed hardwood windowsRiverside Hall Princes Street West Looe PL13 2ERRef. No: PA17/09292 | Validated: Sun 01 Oct 2017
- Enlarging existing balcony and adding steps down to the patio (will involve demolishing existing balcony and re-building it). Cover front and rear elevations of the house with cladding.Aquarelle 4 Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LGRef. No: PA17/08518 | Validated: Wed 11 Oct 2017
- updated 30.09.17
Planning applications validated during September 2017 - Works to fell a tree within a conservation area.7 Barn Meadow Park West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HURef. No: PA17/09191 | Validated: Thu 28 Sep 2017
- Proposed works to several treesPolvellan Manor The Millpool West Looe Cornwall PL13 2AHRef. No: PA17/08632 | Validated: Fri 08 Sep 2017
- Proposed reconstruction and enlargement of parking area together with reconstruction of steps, demolition of garage and construction of new garage.Palafour Dawn Road Hannafore PL13 2DSRef. No: PA17/08556 | Validated: Wed 13 Sep 2017
- Replacement of defective roof slates with natural Lugo slating with rooflights.Regent House Princes Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2ERRef. No: PA17/08423 | Validated: Mon 04 Sep 2017
- Replacement windows and doors to property.Trevena Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1HWRef. No: PA17/08312 | Validated: Fri 08 Sep 2017
- Pre-application advice for construction of a new dwellinghouseLand North West Of Marwinthy East Cliff East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DDRef. No: PA17/02385/PREAPP | Validated: Mon 25 Sep 2017
- updated 31.08.17
Planning applications validated during August 2017 - Listed Building Consent for partial demolition of the stone outbuilding and tank and construction of an internal staircasePortbigham Quay Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BURef. No: PA17/08250 | Validated: Tue 29 Aug 2017
- Partial demolition of the stone outbuilding and tank and construction of an internal staircase Portbigham Quay Road West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BURef. No: PA17/08249 | Validated: Tue 29 Aug 2017
- Pre-application advice for construction of a new dwellinghouseLand North West Of Marwinthy East Cliff East Looe Cornwall PL13 1DDRef. No: PA17/02385/PREAPP | Validated: Wed 30 Aug 2017
- Non Material Amendment to Application No. PA14/10838 dated 13th April 2017 for Reserved Matters application for the construction of 82 dwellings (market and affordable homes), including estate road and drainage infrastructure, parking and landscaping. (Revised plans and supporting information received) (Details following outline application PA10/03413 dated 25/11/11) namely to allow substitution of housetypes Land Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/08041 | Validated: Tue 22 Aug 2017
- Tree works to 2 Elm trees within a conservation area to cut existing trees in half to match other trees and bushes nearby due to close proximity to our house 4m and neighbours 8m. Conifer - reduce height by 1/3 worried about existing height due to being planted on a slope and close proximity to power lines as highlighted on photo. Brambles Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LXRef. No: PA17/07981 | Validated: Fri 18 Aug 2017
- Construction of replacement dwellingShirley Plaidy Lane East Looe PL13 1LFRef. No: PA17/07578 | Validated: Wed 09 Aug 2017
- Loft conversion including raising of ridge height and balcony to principle elevation. Lindos Sandplace Road St Martin PL13 1LRRef. No: PA17/07466 | Validated: Mon 07 Aug 2017
- Proposed single storey and first floor extension to cottage.Little Pippin Kellow Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LERef. No: PA17/07422 | Validated: Mon 14 Aug 2017
- Re-roofing of end-of-terrace house.Rose Cottage Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DHRef. No: PA17/07419 | Validated: Wed 30 Aug 2017
- Replacement windows and doorFlat 6 Barracuda Flats Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJRef. No: PA17/07423 | Validated: Thu 03 Aug 2017
- Construction of a detached dwelling (renewal of approval no. PA14/07207)Land South Of Little Stable Plaidy Lane Looe Cornwall PL13 1LGRef. No: PA17/07494 | Validated: Wed 02 Aug 2017
- Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) for upgrading of Tencreek Holiday Park (replacement of tourers and tent sites with permanent units)Tencreek Caravan Park West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2JRRef. No: PA17/02022/PREAPP | Validated: Tue 08 Aug 2017
- updated 31.07.17
Planning applications validated during July 2017 - Retrospective application for erection of a boundary fence, raised deck and increase in ground level.9 Trenant Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1ENRef. No: PA17/06878 | Validated: Fri 28 Jul 2017
- Installation of railings or glass panels along front of roof and installation of door in place of window. Chy An Dour Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1BJRef. No: PA17/06192 | Validated: Fri 28 Jul 2017
- Certificate of Lawfulness for existing upvc windows.Cormorants Lower Chapel Street East Looe PL13 1ATRef. No: PA17/07114 | Validated: Thu 27 Jul 2017
- Remodelling of the guest house to form: 2 self catering units, 3 letting rooms and a larger owner' accommodation.Calico Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DHRef. No: PA17/06968 | Validated: Tue 25 Jul 2017
- Retrospective Consent for Installation of uPVC windows and single door in lieu of timber with different glazing divisions to the existing windows.Former Ambulance Station West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AERef. No: PA17/06203 | Validated: Mon 03 Jul 2017
- Listed Building Consent for the replacement roof and dormer cladding with possible replacement of structural timber following further investigation and inspection.Buller House The Quay East Looe Cornwall PL13 1ALRef. No: PA17/06024 | Validated: Wed 19 Jul 2017
- Replacement roof and dormer cladding with possible replacement of structural timber following further investigation and inspection.Buller House The Quay East Looe Cornwall PL13 1ALRef. No: PA17/06023 | Validated: Wed 19 Jul 2017
- Outline planning application (means of access to be considered in detail) for the development of up to 100 dwellings (including 50% affordable housing - Use Class C3), Care / Extra Care Home (Up to 50 beds - Use Class C2), associated access, parking, infrastructure (including retaining structures), landscaping and open space.Land On The East Side Of Barbican Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/05908 | Validated: Mon 24 Jul 2017
- Retrospective permission for retention of replacement windows with internal glazing bars. Shutta View Shutta East Looe PL13 1LURef. No: PA17/05864 | Validated: Fri 07 Jul 2017
- updated 30.06.17
Planning applications validated during June 2017
- Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area. Crown raise branches of one tree (T3) to three metres from the roof of Upalong.Land At Klymiarven Hotel Barbican Hill East Looe PL13 1BHRef. No: PA17/06084 | Validated: Thu 29 Jun 2017
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 2 in respect of decision notice PA14/10838 - Allowed at appealLand Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/05992 | Validated: Mon 26 Jun 2017
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA14/10838 - Approved at appealLand Off St Martins Road East Looe CornwallRef. No: PA17/05985 | Validated: Mon 26 Jun 2017
- Construct 8 semi-detached 3 bedroom houses and courtyards incorportating 2 houses intermediate to rent; 1 house intermediate for sale and remaining 5 houses to be open market housing.Land At Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SDRef. No: PA17/05831 | Validated: Wed 21 Jun 2017
- Creation of alternative access to farm with 6m gate, concrete apron, dropped kerb, retention of existing access for emergency purposes onlyLand Opposite Four Winds Millendreath Cornwall PL13 1NXRef. No: PA17/05790 | Validated: Thu 22 Jun 2017
- Proposed roof alterations to assist usability of the first floor accommodation including two Juliet balconies to south-east elevation.Ascham Cottage The Downs West Looe PL13 2BBRef. No: PA17/05727 | Validated: Wed 28 Jun 2017
- Reconstruction of bay window together with internal alterations and additional parking and alterations to accessSt Anns Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DHRef. No: PA17/05355 | Validated: Wed 07 Jun 2017
- Construction of a detached double garage and the installation of a vehicle crossing.Kynance Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DWRef. No: PA17/05358 | Validated: Thu 15 Jun 2017
- Fell four Oak trees51 Churchlands St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1NRRef. No: PA17/05338 | Validated: Fri 09 Jun 2017
- Listed building consent for various internal and external proposed works.Treliss Cottage North Road West Looe PL13 2EHRef. No: PA17/05329 | Validated: Wed 21 Jun 2017
- Various internal and external proposed works.Treliss Cottage North Road West Looe PL13 2EHRef. No: PA17/05328 | Validated: Wed 21 Jun 2017
- Demolition of an existing small conservatory, constructed on a former balcony, building a replacement sun room and addition of third bedroom and re-roofing the garageTreyarnon Meadway East Looe PL13 1JTRef. No: PA17/04777 | Validated: Fri 02 Jun 2017
- Installation of an outdoor wheelchair lift.Elimina Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LXRef. No: PA17/04157 | Validated: Fri 02 Jun 2017
- updated 30.05.17
Planning applications validated during May 2017
- Construction of a garage. Alterations to the existing garage to form a studio. Villa Rosa Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JQ
- Fell one Leyland Cypress and plant blossom tree Tredorne Downs View West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HD
- Listed Building Consent for refurbishment of the flat roof Toilet And TIC The Guildhall Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AA
- Proposed single storey extension to the south west with a lean-to roof. Old Barbican Cottage Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DZ
- Pre-application advice for demolition of bungalow and building of larger two storey houseThe Haven Plaidy Lane East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LF
- Tree works to trees within a conservation area - Conifers (T1 - 4) to be lopped to a height of 10 metres (currently 18 metres aprrox tall) and reshaped in order for signal from transmission dishes/mast to pass.Comms Mast Arquiva Site 13102 The Downs West Looe PL13 2BB
- Rear single storey extension. 17 Bodrigan Road East Looe PL13 1EF
- Submission of details to discharge condition number 8 in respect of decision number PA14/12140The Sardine Factory Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BU
- Prior notification for the construction of a steel portal, timber framed agricultural storage barn Pendrym Barton St Martin Looe
- Replacement windows. Flat 8 Barracuda Flats Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BJ
- Construction of a dwelling with a new access driveway Land NE Of Stonebank Shutta East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- updated 30.04.17
Planning applications validated during April 2017
- Erection of an equestrian building with associated works (resubmission of previously withdrawn application no. PA17/01553) Longpark Farm West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EA
- Submission of details to discharge condition 9 in respect of decision notice PA14/12140The Sardine Factory Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BU
- Proposed dwelling with extension to drive and turning area with soakaway under, and construction of new double garage Land Rear Of 32 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall
- Demolish existing garage and utility area, rebuild garage with ground floor extension and balcony above 21 St Georges Road Looe PL13 1EB
- Change of use from B1 (Marine Store) to B1 (Distillery) and A1 (Shop) and associated external alterations (resubmission of PA16/10297) Marine Store The Quay East Looe Cornwall
- Residential Development consisting of 5 New Houses and Associated Infrastructure Land Adjacent To Goonwartha Road West Looe Cornwall
- Construction of a self contained annexe over the existing garage. Briarswood West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HW
- updated 31.03.17
Planning applications validated during March 2017
- Construction of a self contained annexe over the existing garage. Briarswood West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HW
- Steel portal timber clad agricultural storage barn and associated hard landscaping, improved access and access lane Pendrym Barton St Martins By Looe Looe
- Proposed new rear car parking space. Pendower House Hannafore Road West Looe PL13 2DE
- External alterations Allen House Princes Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2ER
- Non Material Amendment to Application No. PA15/11318 dated 26th January 2016 for the Change of use of former ambulance station into a veterinary surgery including external and internal alterations namely installation of uPVC windows and single door in lieu of timber with different glazing divisions to the existing windows St Johns Ambulance Station West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AE
- Slate hanging to the north elevation. Bay Tree House Princes Square West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EP
- Replacement of windows and removal of chimney Tower House Tower Hill East Looe PL13 1DD
- Pre application advice for proposed redevelopment of site (garage block) to create six, one-bedroom flats in two, two story buildingsLand South Of Looe Community Academy Sunrising Looe Cornwall PL13 1NQ
- Retrospective Listed Building Consent for 4 timber windows in the front which were renewed in 2005 and the 2 windows at the rear Highbury West Looe Hill West Looe PL13 2HW
- Application for a non material amendment for alteration to provide double doors onto the west facing balconies at the second floor level. Application no. PA16/07386 dated 26/09/16 relates.Riverside Hotel Site Station Road East Looe Cornwall
- Replacement of uPVC windows and insertion of Velux windows in the loft bedroom. Quay View Hannafore Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DU
- updated 28.02.17
Planning applications validated during February 2017
- Advertisement Consent to display one fascia and one projecting advertising sign relating to the business Palfreys Bakery Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AD
- Formation of covered area over existing parking bay to form garage Driftwood Sandplace Road St Martin PL13 1LR
- Listed Building Consent for alterations required in connection with the change of use of the restaurant to a residential apartment Squid Ink Restaurant Lower Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- To install replacement windows, doors and conservatory wall frames. Brambles Shutta East Looe PL13 1LX
- Install replacement windows and entrance door to property. Sunny Ville Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1LY
- Erection of an equestrian building with associated works Longpark Farm West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EA
- Change of use of restaurant to residential apartment including external alterations Squid Ink Restaurant Lower Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Extension to garage, construction of car parking bay. 8 Penarth West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2QW
- Alteration and extension to dwelling to form new bedroom and bathroom, with associated works. Portlooe Barton Farm West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HY
- Demolition of single block built cottage and replace with up to date building using modern ECO insulation.Polgray Cottage Shutta East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LY
- Pre-application advice for construction of 9 new dwellings and 9 off-street parking spacesLand Adjoining 22 Downs Road West Looe Cornwall
- Erection of a detached dwelling Land West Of Pendrim Road East Looe Cornwall
- updated 31.01.17
Planning applications validated during January 2017
- Tree works to a tree within a conservation area. Trenoweth Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BG
- Tree works to a Beech tree (T1) subject to a TPO. 5 The Manor House Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BH
- Erection of a garage with associated works. Higher Portlooe House Portlooe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HZ
- Replacement of various windows and porch door and repaint house Ivydene Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1HW
- Erection of dwelling Land At Shutta Hill Shutta East Looe Cornwall
- Replacement of 6 windows at the front of the property 'like for like' - Aluminium Heritage upvc (slimline). Little Harbour Church Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EX
- External alterations to fourth floor flat. (Amendment to approved application PA15/05275) The Penthouse East Quay House Buller Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AL
- Notification for prior approval for a proposed larger home extension. 1 Pendennis Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EL
- Conversion of two apartments in to one single dwelling. Various works to update. Trecairne 3 Plaidy Park Road Looe PL13 1LG
- Erection of a detached dwelling Land West Of Pendrim Road East Looe Cornwall
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 2, 3 and 4 in respect of decision notice PA16/07386Riverside Hotel Site Station Road East Looe Cornwall
- Extension of existing car park to replace lettable car park spaces lost due to housing development submitted under PA16/12140 Land Rear Of 1 To 6 Downs Road West Looe Cornwall
- updated 31.12.16
Planning applications validated during December 2016
- Demolition of existing garage block and construction of 3 houses and 2 flats with parking Former Garage Site West Road West Looe Cornwall
- Submission of details to discharge condition numbers 3, 5, 7 and 8 in respect of decision number PA14/12140The Sardine Factory Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BU
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3 and 4 in respect of Decision Nottice PA16/05499 dated 2nd August 2016The Old Sardine Factory Hannafore Road West Looe Cornwall
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 4 and 5 in respect of decision notice PA14/12142The Sardine Factory Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BU
- Removal of existing wooden decking area to the rear of the property. Replacement with an extended deck area, raised to be the same level as the ground floor of the house. Tregolva Darloe Lane West Looe PL13 2BG
- Loft conversion, en-suite extension and balcony. 51 Bodrigan Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EH
- Ground and first floor extensions 59 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1ED
- Various internal and external alteration and refurbishment works to grade II listed house. Clifford Cottage Lower Market Street East Looe PL13 1AX
- Listed building consent for various internal and external alteration and refurbishment works to grade II listed house. Clifford Cottage Lower Market Street East Looe PL13 1AX
- Listed Building Consent for Remedial works to house. 2 New Cottages West Looe Square Looe Cornwall PL13 2EU
- Replace timber windows to front, side and rear with upvc (like for like design as existing). Paint property externally in a colour such as Dulux Dusted Blue. Inter-Nos North Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EH
- updated 30.11.16
Planning applications validated during November 2016
- Remedial works to house. 2 New Cottages West Looe Square Looe Cornwall PL13 2EU
- Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of kitchen/diner with associated works. Coplestone Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HW
- Loft conversion including raising of ridge height and balcony to principle elevation. Lindos Sandplace Road St Martin PL13 1LR
- Alterations to existing dormer bungalow to include removal of roof structure and alteration of existing gables to reduce roof pitch, build up front and rear walls convert integral garage to bedroom, convert single storey roof areas to terraces and install balcony to South East Elevation Capri Bay View Road East Looe PL13 1JP
- Garage extension and new solar panel. Greystones Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Pre-application advice for construction of 2 new dwellings with off-street parkingLand Opposite Penmorvah Shutta Road East Looe Cornwall
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA16/08218.Rond Anneth Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DD
- Replacement of existing plastic and glass door with a composite (hardwood framed) door more in keeping with the Victorian building. The Puffins Church Street East Looe PL13 1BY
- Listed Building Consent for:- Replacement to the existing tiling to the roof with the same type of tiles. Rostallan West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HQ
- Alteration of the existing 3 bedroomed flat to provide for 1 one bedroomed flat (Flat B) and 1 studio flat at Flat 1B (Flat C) with no external alterations 1B Treetops Hill Goonwartha Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2TH
- Ground floor extensions. 5 Portbyhan Road West Looe PL13 2QN
- Change of use from B1 (Marine Store) to B1 (Distillery) and A1 (Shop) and associated external works. Marine Store The Quay East Looe Cornwall
- Non-material amendment for omissions of fencing and patio areas to the rear of apartments, addition of balustrade to the lower ground floor balconies, addition of partition fencing to the rear of one bed flats, amendments to the design of the store and existing boundary hedge replaced with 1.8m timber close board fence to the side of plots 12-15 in respect of decision notice PA13/10810 Land Adjacent To Glebelands Looe Cornwall PL13 1NP
- Listed Building consent to replace the asbestos roof slates with Lugo natural slate. Verbena Church Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EX
- Replace the asbestos roof slates with Lugo natural slate. Verbena Church Street West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EX
- updated 31.10.16
Planning applications validated during October 2016
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely - Crown reduction of eucalyptus tree. Greystones Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Construction of parking bay South Point Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JW
- Tree works to trees and shrubs within a conservation area. Land To The Rear Of 11 - 16 Bonson Close (and Adjacent To 27-34 Bonson Close Flats) West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2SQ
- Retrospective application for slate roof, douglas fir canopy over the decking area. 18 Restormel Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EJ
- Submission of details to discharge condition 10 in respect of decision notice PA13/10810Land Adjacent To Glebelands Looe Cornwall PL13 1NP
- Application for Listed Building Consent for removal of vegetation and repointing of the joints to the clock tower. Clock Tower St Marys Higher Chapel Street East Looe Cornwall PL13 1AU
- Proposed New shop front and internal alterations. Palfreys Bakery Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AD
- Ground floor extension to form a bathroom. Mizzen Top Darloe Lane West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BG
- Pre application advice for listed building consent to install fire doors.2A 2B 2C And 2D Coastguard Flats North Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EQ
- updated 30.09.16
Planning applications validated during September 2016
- Request for Confirmation of Compliance with Planning Conditions on Planning Application Number PA12/04367 dated 29th June 2012Adjoining Looe Comprehensive School Barbican Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EU
- Extension and recladding of front and rear dormers, construction of front first floor balcony and new rear bathroom together with new first floor access bridge to gardenLowena Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Works to trees in a Conservation Area, namely - T1 elm - section fell to ground level and T2 elm - section fell to ground level Belle Vue Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BD
- Replacement window frames in brown uPVC. 9 Elm Tree Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HY
- Demolition/removal of existing flat roof including alterations,extension and improvement to Flat 2 with new pedestrian access to previously approved scheme (No E2/03/01671/FUL - Flats 1 and 2) Flat Veras Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DT
- Extension of existing single off-street parking space to accommodate 2 cars and construction of vehicle crossoverHigh Trees Meadway East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JT
- Works to trees within a Conservation Area namely Silver Birch - reduce crown by 3m to maintain a balanced shape and growth and to protect against damaging high winds. The Orchard Darloe Lane West Looe PL13 2BG
- Application for a non-material amendment to PA16/04452 for Balcony to the front of the house and Install patio doors , namely change end panels from 1.8 m to 1.5 m with sloping sidesQuarterways Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Pre-application advice for Listed Building - various internal and external alterationsClifford Cottage Lower Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AX
- Replacement sealed unit double glazed windows Rond Anneth Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DD
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 4 and 7 in respect of decision notice PA16/00134Land At Shutta Hill Shutta East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- Construction of a garden room and games room in the rear amenity space.Flat 4 Homestead Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DQ
- Replace existing timber framed double glazed windows with powder coated brown aluminium window frames and associated trims.2 Pendrim Park Pendrim Road East Looe PL13 1HQ
- updated 31.08.16
Planning applications validated during August 2016
- Replacement of an old solid wooden front door with a wooden and glass 'stable' doorColona West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HQ
- Listed Building Consent for installation of 2 wifi AP units, 2 data cables and an internal sign Lloyds Bank Plc Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DP
- Proposed extensions and alterations. Little Stable Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LG
- Replace the existing asphalt covered flat roof with a glass-fibre covered flat roof. Gwel An Cay Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BY
- Internalise existing balcony. Include two new external balconies to the west elevation. Replace all PVC-u windows to the front/ side and rear of the property. Include new glass balustrades to first floor bedroom windows for safety. Westcove Sandplace Road St Martin PL13 1LR
- Pre-application advice for redevelopment of site, including partial demolition of existing building, for residential purposes (41 units in total).Polvellan Manor The Millpool West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AH
- Tree works to trees within a conservation area - Lopping and topping of 2 x willow trees at the front of the property. Portnadler West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2HW
- Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area - Removal of two trees.Rockpools Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DN
- Construction of a three storey building to provide six flats and provision of parking area (resubmission of PA12/02173) Riverside Hotel Site Station Road East Looe Cornwall
- Prior Notification to swap out the existing mast head amplifier (MHA) units for new MHA units, the installation of a SAMO equipment cabinet at ground level and ancillary development thereto Comms Mast Arqiva Site 13102 The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BB
- Demolition of garage and workshop and construction of accessible annexe accommodation (Re-submission of PA16/02769) Ascham Cottage The Downs West Looe PL13 2BB
- updated 31.07.16
Planning applications validated during July 2016
- Listed Building Consent for conversion of barn to provide dwelling. Barn At St Martins Church St Martins Road St Martin Cornwall
- Extensions and alterations Saltaire Plaidy Park Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LG
- Re-roofing with dormers and construction of new parking bay. Rockpools Portuan Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DN
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 in respect of decision notice PA16/02142Heron Creek East Cliff East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DE
- Create a residential development to provide for 5 starter homes and 10 open market dwellings in a private courtyard to be known as Tregarrick Mews which would be an extension to Tregarrick Road. Land At Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SD
- Conversion of barn to provide dwelling Barn At St Martins Church St Martins Road St Martin Cornwall
- Listed Building Consent: Change of use from public toilet block to A3 catering unit with associated external alterations Ladies Public Conveniences Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HH
- Change of use from public toilet block to A3 catering unit with associated external alterations Ladies Public Conveniences Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HH
- Application for the display of 6 Non illuminated advertisement signs to ATM Pod, decal signage applied to the Pod with Cardtronics cashzone black and white lettering/background The Warehouse Higher Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BW
- Proposed installation of an ATM Pod in grey finished steel with grey steel ATM fascia and non illuminated black decal signage. Proposed installation in front of the shop front to the far left under the beamed soffit on a new concrete base. Two anti ram raid bollards are to be installed on the concrete base. The Warehouse Higher Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BW
- updated 30.06.16
Planning applications validated during June 2016
- Replacement of smaller dilapidated dormer with a larger more durable one plus small balcony in front of dormer. 5 Chapel Ground West Looe PL13 2BQ
- Removal of existing bedroom window and replacement with sliding french doors/windows and the removal of existing half width balcony and replacement with new full width balcony. 2 The Hillocks Pendrim Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HU
- Application for Listed Building Consent for raising level of the existing quay and quay wall by 300mm higher than that approved under PA14/12140 and PA14/12142. The new level is for improved flood protection and to enable access into the sardine factory approved under PA16/04595 The Old Sardine Factory Hannafore Road West Looe Cornwall
- Extension to the existing driveway with a small boundary wall and a single storey rear extension with balcony. 7 Springfield Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1HB
- Replacement of rear window and door with divide and glide door Bay Cottage Barbican Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DY
- To reroof using existing Delabole slates and reclaimed Delabole slates as required and to felt and re-batten roof and renew lead flashings and valleys To refit existing ridge tiles replacing the mismatched tile with a reclaimed matching tile. To replace the existing broken Velux window GGL9 on rear elevation with Velux CK02 using recessed flashing kit suitable for slate roof. To install new Velux SK01on front elevation using recessed flashing kit suitable for slate roof. 1 Sunnyside West Road West Looe PL13 2EE
- Non-material amendment for omission of chimneys and confirmation of external materials in respect of decision notice PA15/08792 - Substitution of proposed 2no. 4 bedroom units in respect of decision notice PA13/10810 with 4no. 1 bedroom unitsSunrising Play Area Shutta East Looe Cornwall
- Replace the existing roof tiles with like for like new tiles for both properties 1 Orenda And Harbour Heights The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BA
- 1 x Internally illuminated suspended logo (sign A), 1 x non-illuminated acrylic letters (sign B), 1 x non-illuminated projector (sign C) and 1 x non-illuminated wall mounted aluminium panel (Sign D) Co-Op Foodstore Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DT
- Construction of dwelling with new access driveway Land At Shutta Hill Shutta East Looe Cornwall
- 1 x internally illuminated fascia (only the logo illuminates). 1 x internally illuminated projector. 1 x non illuminated wall mounted flat aluminium panel. Co-Operative Stores Ltd Fore Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1AD
- Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in respect of decision no. E2/03/01297/FULCornish Gift Shop Church End East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1BU
- Balcony to the front of the house. Install patio doors.Quarterways Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Outline application for up to 174 dwellings to include consideration of access on to Polperro Road, with all other matters reserved for future consideration Land On The South Side Of Polperro Road West Looe Cornwall
- updated 31.05.16
Planning applications validated during May 2016
- Application for approval of details to discharge condition 3 of planning permision PA16/01472.Shutta View Shutta East Looe PL13 1LU
- Extension of existing car park to replace lettable car park spaces lost due to housing development submitted under PA16/04786 Downs Car Park Land Rear Of 1 To 6 Downs Road West Looe Cornwall
- Demolition of the existing garage block. Construction of 3 houses and 3 flats with parking. Former Garage Site West Road West Looe Cornwall
- Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of decision notice PA15/11318Former Ambulance Station Millpool West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AE
- Re-roofing of property, new fascias and soffits, new guttering and painting of property on a like for like basisCoplestone Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1HW
- Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 4 and 5 in respect of decision no. PA14/11641Marshall House Quay Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BU
- Non material amendment in relation to approvals PA14/12140 and PA14/12142 (LBC): To reduce amount of rock excavation and associated heavy vibration works, and disposal of materials and to improve flood resilianceThe Old Sardine Factory Hannafore Road West Looe Cornwall
- Alterations and extensions to house.Idle Rocks Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Replacement of fourteen single glazed windows with like for like windows with timber frames. Replace one window in garage like for like.Bosava Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LX
- updated 30.04.16
Planning applications validated during April 2016 - Certificate of Lawfulness for the continued use of existing building as Artists Studio.Land Opposite Pixies Holt Shutta Road East Looe PL13 1JD
- Replacement of smaller dilapidated dormer with a larger more durable one. 5 Chapel Ground West Looe PL13 2BQ
- Replacement balustrade to balcony. 6 West Quay House Hannafore Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2BX
- Erection of 3-bed dwellinghouse (identical to scheme previously approved under planning permission ref. PA12/07514) Land Adjacent To Seascape Bay View Road East Looe Cornwall
- Construction of 6 holiday lodges in Barclay House Woodland. Land At Barclay House St Martins Road East Looe Cornwall
- Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in respect of decision notice PA13/10810Land Off Glebelands Looe Cornwall PL13 1NP
- Alterations to the dwelling including new pitched roof, internal refurbishment, creation of a parking space and associated works. Little Westwood Bridgend North Road West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2ED
- Demolition of existing garage and workshop and construction of new dwelling Ascham Cottage The Downs West Looe Cornwall PL13 2BB
- Application to remove condition 2 (holiday let condition) of application 596/0866/F (E2/96/20290/FUL) to allow full residential use Pendruffle Cottage St Martins Road East Looe Cornwall PL13 1LP
- Application for Non-Material Amendment to application PA15/09871 (Re-roofing of Tennis Club and Cafe)Island View Cafe Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
updated 31.03.16
Planning applications validated during March 2016
- Single storey extension
9 Trenant Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1EN
- Construction of dwelling
Plot 85 Tregarrick West Looe Cornwall PL13 2SD
- Proposed extensions and alterations.
Greystones Marine Drive West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2DJ
- Construction of detached dwelling to include a new 1500mm high stone boundary wall along the western frontage of the site, together with construction of a new retaining wall to be built along parts of the property boundary. (Revised scheme to application no.PA14/04736 dated 07/07/14.)
The Creekside West Looe Cornwall
- Submission of details to discharge Condition 4 in respect of decision notice PA14/04890.
Charlecote The Downs West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2AZ
- Agricultural barn and concrete base for horse walker
Longpark Farm West Looe Hill West Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 2EA
- Garage and parking bay
50 St Georges Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1ED
- Extension and alterations and creation of vehicular access and hard standing.
Heron Creek East Cliff East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DE
- Install patio doors and create a patio balcony.
Tamarisk Bay View Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
- Removal of condition number 2 (holiday occupancy restriction) in respect of decision notice 96/0866/F to allow full residential use
Home Hill St Martins Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1LP
Planning applications validated during March 2016