Cornwall Council is the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and administers the planning system in Cornwall by preparing Local Plans, determining planning applications and carrying out enforcement against unauthorised development. 

Looe Town Council also plays an important role as a statutory consultee of the LPA by commenting on development proposals that affect the immediate area. The Town Council's response to planning applications is decided at monthly Planning Committee meetings which are open to members of the public.  If you would like to attend a meeting or to send a comment to committee members, please email or ring 01503 262255 by 12 noon on the working day before the meeting. The dates are published here > LTC planning meetings, agendas and minutes.

Although the Town Council’s recommendations will be taken into consideration, the final decision on whether to approve or refuse a planning application is made by Cornwall Council. The Town Council therefore encourages members of the public to ensure their comments are posted directly on the > Cornwall planning register.

Planning Policy
The following three tiers of planning policy will be a material consideration in decision making:
  1. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (adopted 2012, updated 2021 and 2023)
  2. Cornwall Local Plan Strategic Policies (CLP) (adopted November 2016)
  3. Looe Neighbourhood Development Plan (LNDP adopted May 2022) and Looe NDP Appendix 1 (Conservation Area Character Appraisal Map)


Additional Planning Requirements

Maintaining Looe’s Distinctive Character

In 1973 Looe was made a Conservation Area because of its special architectural and historic interest, the character and appearance of which it was considered desirable to preserve or enhance. Historic England explains what this means for homeowners see > Historic England advice.

Article 4(2) Directions

To support the aims of the Conservation Area an Article 4(2) Direction also applies in Looe's historic core which means that alterations normally classed as 'permitted development' will need planning permission. This includes replacing windows and doors, erecting a porch, altering roofs and chimneys (including fitting solar panels), erecting or demolishing a boundary wall or fence and painting or rendering a building's facade. Further details and a map of the Article 4 area are provided in this leaflet > Article 4(2) Directions for Looe.

Relevant to applications in the Conservation Area

(Solar Photovoltaic Panels or PV Slates)

In response to global warming, Cornwall Council has declared a climate emergency and the need for sustainable energy production at a domestic level is recognised in Looe's Neighbourhood Plan which gives conditional support to small-scale renewable energy generation provided it is appropriate to the location.

The majority of roofs in Looe (around 85%) may be eligible for solar PV panels under permitted development rights subject to conditions. However, to protect the historic environment, Planning Permission will be required for roof-mounted solar PV or solar thermal equipment in the following circumstances:

In assessing a planning application, the appropriateness of solar equipment in historic Looe will be looked at on a case-by-case basis considering the sensitivity of the affected buildings, their surrounding context and the type, appearance and positioning of the installation.

The Council informs they consider that adaptation to climate change and the conservation of heritage are compatible aims and that Policy SEC1 from the Climate Emergency DPD ensures any negative impact on the historic townscape will be a consideration in decision-making.


Cornwall - Climate Emergency DPD Policy SEC1 - Sustainable Energy and Construction.
Para 4 Domestic and Non-Residential Renewables (p39) supports domestic and non-residential renewables such as solar panels where they require planning permission provided "proposals affecting heritage assets, including their settings, shall seek to avoid and minimise negative impacts on their significance and conserve the character of historic townscapes, landscapes and seascape".
Para 6 Materials and Waste (p40) describes how development should "Prioritise the use of locally sourced and/or sustainable materials and construction techniques that have smaller ecological and carbon footprints".

Historic England - Guidance for Solar Electrics (Photovoltaics) - Energy Efficiency and Historic Buildings. This document forms one of a series covering the installation of renewables and low carbon technologies.

Cornwall - Renewable Energy Planning Guidance  Section 6.4.1 Solar - Roof Mounted - Historic environment states: 'Development should protect the character of conservation areas including views integral to their character’.

Looe NDP DS 2 - Renewable Energy policy (p40) states "proposals for energy generating infrastructure to serve individual properties will be supported provided it is APPROPRIATE to the location”.

Looe NDP TC 3 - Design & Local Distinctiveness in Looe's Historic Core policy (p85) supports development that responds positively to local identity, distinctiveness and historical setting in terms of roof forms and roofscape using local materials and building traditions where practical.

The CISI 4.3 (Materials and local distinctiveness) states 'because of its valley location, the roofscape of Looe is one of the most varied and interesting of any Cornish town'. As such Looe's roofscape is an important element of the conservation area's distinctive character.

Refer to Section 16. Conserving and enhancing the historic environment

Refer to classes A and J.


Irrespective of the Conservation Area or the Article 4 Direction, permission is required for the demolition of a listed building, or for its alteration (both inside or out) or extension, which is likely to affect its character as a building of special architectural or historical interest, see > advice on listed buildings.


Please note that in conservation areas, the planning authority needs 6 weeks notice for works to trees that have a trunk diameter of more than 75mm, see... advice-trees/conservation



The information below describes different classes of advertising and what conditions need to be met for it to be used without requiring planning permission. A full copy of the regulations can be found here >  The Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007

Class 4  Illuminated advertisements
4A. An illuminated advertisement displayed on the frontage of premises within a retail park - (not applicable to Looe).
4B. An illuminated advertisement displayed on business premises with reference to the following: the business carried on, the goods sold or services provided, or the name or qualifications of the person carrying on the business, or supplying the goods or services, on those premises.
Conditions: no advertisement is permitted within a conservation area.

Class 5  Other advertisements
5. Any advertisement which does not fall within Class 4A/4B displayed on business premises with reference to the the business carried on, the goods sold or services provided, or the name or qualifications of the person carrying on the business.
(1) In the case of a shop, no advertisement may be displayed except on a wall containing a shop window.
(3) Illumination is not permitted unless the advertisement refers to medical or veterinary services and the illumination is static.
(4) No character or symbol on the advertisement may be more than 0.75 metre in height.
(5) No part of the advertisement may be higher above ground level than the lower of 4.6 metres or the bottom of any first floor window in the wall on which the advertisement is displayed.
(6) The area of an advertisement consisting of a single placard or poster shall not exceed 1.55 square metres.

Class 6  Forecourt Advertising
6. An advertisement displayed on any forecourt of business premises with reference to the matters specified in Class 5.
(1) Advertisements displayed on any forecourt or, in the case of a building with a forecourt on two or more frontages, on each of those frontages, shall not exceed in aggregate 4.6 square metres in area.
(2) Illumination is not permitted.
(5) No single advertisement may exceed 1.55 square metres in area.

Class 7  Flag advertisements
7AB.  An advertisement in the form of a flag attached to a single flagstaff erected on a site within the curtilage of a building.
Conditions:   (1) No advertisement is permitted within a conservation area
(4) No part of the flagstaff may be more than 4.6 metres above ground level.

7AC.  An advertisement in the form of a flag attached to a single flagstaff erected on a site which forms part of a beach or marina.
No advertisement is permitted other than one bearing the device of the Blue Flag award scheme.
