Proposed Housing Scheme comprising 6 Affordable and 4 Open Market Dwellings
Appeal allowed 14th March 2016
We are advised that Rame View appeal has been allowed but the cost application against the Council is refused.
I conclude that the adverse impacts of the proposal on the landscape would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, of providing ten additional residential units, of which six would be for affordable housing. In addition, it would provide a payment towards open space provision and educational facilities within the local area and I conclude that the appeal should be allowed.
The Inspector added that, although he didn’t agree with their decision, East Cornwall Planning Committee acted reasonably in refusing against the officer recommendation and he therefore hasn’t awarded costs.
Link to Cornwall Council's planning portal... PA15/00352
Application refused 27th April 2015
At a meeting of Cornwall's East Area Planning Committee in Liskeard on Monday, Mr & Mrs M Cotton’s Rame View application was refused by a vote of 14 to 1 after two hours of debate.
There were numerous aspects to the scheme that members wanted to explore. Those that spoke queried the following...
- the standard of architectural design of the buildings, and that the proposed flat sedum covered roofs would be uncharacteristic of the locality and adversely impact an Area of Great Landscape Value and the Coastal Zone,
- the use of high quality grade 2 agricultural land of which only 7% exists in Cornwall,
- the fact that the proposals were outside the development limit of Looe,
- possibility of ‘affordable’ units not going to applicants with local connection due to level of demand - only 16 on South West Homes register with local connection seeking intermediate shared ownership properties,
- the risk of contamination of Howlek Park's bore hole drinking water supply due to its close proximity within one metre of the site,
- disturbance of remains of bronze age long barrow within the site.
Reference was made by the divisional member to the many other sites around Looe earmarked for housing development, the largest of which in West Looe was also owned by the same applicant, and that this particular proposal would encroach on the green corridor separating the coast from Looe Barbican settlement.
Legal advice obtained during the meeting discounted the potential risk of contamination of water supplies from the adjacent bore hole as primarily a civil matter between the developer and the owner of the bore hole, whilst the quality of the agricultural land was contested by a counter report from Kivells stating it was Grade 3b and of medium to poor quality.
In the end, and despite the case officer supporting the proposals, the committee decided to refuse on the grounds of Caradon Policy CL9, NPPF paras 58 and 59, and no 106 Agreement in place.
Details of the application can be found on this link to the Council website >> PA15/00352 and the minutes of the meeting will appear here in due course >> Planning Committee 27 April 2015
Details of the application can be found on this link to the Council website >> PA15/00352 and the minutes of the meeting will appear here in due course >> Planning Committee 27 April 2015
21 January 2015
Dove Rock Beach House refused
Cornwall Council has decided that the proposal represents undesirable development on an area of undeveloped coast and runs contrary to saved policies CL9 and ALT2 of the Caradon Local Plan First Alteration 2007 and Chapters 7 and 11 of the 2012 National Planning Policy Framework. The full officer report can be found on Cornwall's planning website, see link > >
17 December 2014
At last night's meeting, Looe Town Council's Planning Committee recommended that Cornwall Council refuse Barratt's Phase 2 proposals…
and also refuse Dove Rock's proposed Beach House (circle marks location viewed from Hannafore)…
Cornwall Council is currently considering Barratt Homes Phase 2 application and to view the details online and submit a comment before a final decision is made follow the link provided in the right column > >
and also refuse Dove Rock's proposed Beach House (circle marks location viewed from Hannafore)…
Cornwall Council is currently considering Barratt Homes Phase 2 application and to view the details online and submit a comment before a final decision is made follow the link provided in the right column > >
latest on Barratt's estate: new application submitted for Phase 2 to include 85 more properties see - Barratt Homes...
Building plans to demolish part of the cliffs at Chough Rock in Plaidy withdrawn...
The planning application has been unexpectedly withdrawn following pressure from members of the Looe Strategy Group and local residents, see…
also Cornish Guardian comment…
New Looe development could threaten a colony of protected birds