Proposed Housing Development in West Looe

22 July 2016
Planning Application for Large Housing Scheme in West Looe
PA16/03990 Land on the South Side of Polperro Road, West Looe Cornwall outline application for up to 174 dwellings to include consideration of access on to Polperro Road, with all other matters reserved for future consideration

++++++++ UPDATE ON PA16/03990 FOR 174 HOUSES WEST LOOE ++++++++
We have been advised by Cornwall Council that the above planning application has been withdrawn by the applicant's agent.

for more information go to >> West Looe Housing Development...

Pre-application advice given for redevelopment of site of Polvellan Manor, see details of scheme... PA16/02408/PREAPP  
Including partial demolition of existing building, for residential purposes (41 units in total).  Polvellan Manor, The Millpool West Looe, Cornwall PL13 2AH

April 2015
Proposed Redevelopment of Polvellan Manor - Public Consultation

Rural Retreats & Development held an open morning on 18th April 2015 at the Millpool Centre to show their ambitious plans for the Polvellan Manor site and receive feedback on the day.

We very much welcome the proposal to improve and refurbish Polvellan Manor and are broadly supportive of the scheme presented especially as it retains the main building in its present form with its distinctive gothic style pointed windows.

Although the plans are still very much in sketch form, we feel the suggestion by Cornwall Council’s Design Review Panel to employ to flat roofs over the two round houses at the front of the development would look too contemporary and clash with the Victorian elegance of the Manor House.

That said we are pleased to see the woodland walks and the majority of trees are being retained and provided they are given permanent protection and there is no further infill building on the site in future years then this could be an attractive and successful development for Looe.

If you missed the consultation, email your comments to

22 November 2016

11 August 2016
Barclay House Lodges Application PA16/03182 St Martins Road Refused

That this application be refused, for the following reason(s).

1 Insufficient information has been submitted with this application to demonstrate that surface water run off arising from the proposed development can be satisfactorily dealt with in order to prevent an increased risk of flooding elsewhere. As such, the proposed development is contrary to Policies ALT4 and ALT5 of the Caradon Local Plan First Alteration 2007 and the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 with particular regard to Paragraphs 17, 100 and 103.

2 The proposed development of the site and the associated felling of trees would have a significant detrimental impact on this designated ancient woodland and County Wildlife Site, on the protected trees themselves, on the general habitat of the area and on the character and appearance of the wider Area of Great Landscape Value, where the need for and benefits of the proposed development in this location would not outweigh the loss of this irreplaceable ancient woodland habitat. The proposed development is therefore contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 with particular regard to Paragraphs 17, 28, 56, 58, 61, 109, 118, Policy ALT2 of the Caradon Local Plan First Alteration 2007 and Saved Policies TM4, CL13, and CL17 of the Caradon Local Plan 1999 together with guidance set out within the Cornwall Design Guide 2013 and the Natural England and Forestry Commission publication - Ancient woodland and veteran trees: protecting them from development 2015. 

26 April 2016
From the Cornish Guardian...
A FULL inquest into the death of Susan Norman, who died after a landslip at her Looe home, could take place in November.
Stephen Nicholls, a coroner based in Dorset, took charge of the inquest after chief coroner for Cornwall Emma Carlyon stepped down. At a pre-inquest hearing on Monday, Mr Nicholls said he anticipated the full inquest would take place in November but the venue has not yet been decided.
Ms Norman's home collapsed after a landslip following torrential rain in 2013 and some local residents said they raised concerns long before the incident.
An application (by Barratt Homes) for 82 new houses near Ms Norman's Sandplace Road home was rejected by a Cornwall Council planning subcommittee last month after concerns about the potential for more landslips.
Read more:

17 March 2016
Changes to Cornwall’s Local Plan overwhelmingly approved
A six-week public consultation has just concluded
At a meeting of full council on 15th December, county councillors debated the changes to the Cornwall Local Plan as directed by the Planning Inspector ...continue reading here >> Cornwall Local Plan